Yesterday morning I dropped my happy go lucky little munchkin off at pre-K and when I returned to pick her up I was greeted by Cybil. When we first met Lily we found out very quickly that she had a BIG , actually mammoth, stubborn streak in her. If things didn't go the way she wanted she let everyone know about it. Everyone in our group starting referring affectionately, to the other Lily, as Cybil. Fortunately once we boarded the plane in Hong Kong Cybil disappeared and is only rarely seen. Not the case yesterday. I always take Lily a drink when I pick her up and yesterday the choice I made was not the right one and out of nowhere came Cybil. Dear Lawdy, she was furious and let out this huge meltdown. I choose to ignore her but that didn't help either. It takes all of 4 minutes to get home and once we walked in her dad knew to stay clear. She stayed pretty mad for about 10 minutes, with her arms crossed so tightly across her chest that I was amazed she could even breathe and her lower lip jutting out about 2 feet in front of her. When she saw me going through her books she panicked and thought I was giving them away so she begged me to let her have them. I explained that I wasn't but she was not to have any toys or books until she was being nice again. That was the wrong move too and finally the only thing that budged her grumpy little bum was me threatening to video tape her cranky little face and publish it on the blog. She said, NO, no cranky, mad photos of me on there please. And slowly her little frown turned around. Since everyone always comments on how happy she is all the time I just wanted to let you all know that she is just an average kid with a bigger than an average stubborn streak. Thankfully she doesn't get like this to often and I have been trying to catch her on tape when she is bothered by something but yesterday was not the right time as she was hell-bent and I didn't want her to think I was making fun of her. When Lily re-appeared from the madness we talked about it and she was fine and promises talk about things next time rather than calling Cybil for back up. I begged Jacob to let me go to work for him yesterday but he wasn't buying and he shot out of the house ASAP and was probably ridiculously early to work.
NOTE TO SELF: take the correct juice today!