For the last few days Lily has been a little off. I am not sure if she is coming down with something or if she is just testing us but she has really been a pill so when I picked her up from school today and her teacher said that there had been an incident in the playground my heart sank. In a flash second I thought maybe she had shoved another kid or hit them or something. She has never done anything like this before but there is always a first time. Her teacher then went on to say that Lily got her leg stuck on some playground equipment, really stuck. The little kiddos were all outside playing when Ms. N realised Lily was crying and was up on this piece of equipment. At this moment all the other kids went running to get her. Lilys leg was STUCK. As much as Lily has tried to free herself she couldn't and then to the teachers dismay as much as she tried to free her she couldn't either. Now I have to tell you as she is telling me this Lily is bouncing around with her friends as happy as a clam so the story made me giggle because I know what a monkey this kid is and she obviously isn't hurt. I think the teacher was relieved that I wasn't upset cos she giggled too. Anyhoo after she tried and tried she finally thought, oh no, I am going to have to call the fire department cos Lily was getting more and more upset and was tensing up making her muscles bigger which wasn't helping at all. On the final try, voila, her leg came free! She has a really nice bruise on both sides of her leg from the vice like grip but I massaged her tonight with some Chinese medicine and thankfully due to the cold weather she is wearing long pants or woolly tights so the bruises remain covered because ever since she learnt to ride her bike her legs look like we beat her with a broom at least twice a day. The poor little thing was so tired this evening and it took me awhile to figure it out. I think she got really frightened by the whole ordeal and it just drained her. Good thing the new Cinderella movie came out today as she was able to watch some of it after her bath. And finally, is it just me wishful thinking here or is there a chance that she will have learnt her lesson about climbing?
Glad she is okay! Have to get that girl up and climbing again ASAP :0)
It gave her a scare but probably has not scared her away from her monkey tendencies.
Good to hear that she is okay!
Keep smilin!
Not a CHANCE!!! She's a born climber!!
Glad it was nothing too serious, but NO I don't think she will ever stop climbing. A monkey's gotta do what a monkey was born to do!!!
(At least that is how I excuse my Lily's crazy monkeyish behavior)
Hope she is NOT coming down with something and that her "pillish" behavior goes bye bye -- I know that isn't very fun!
Glad she is o.k. though it must have been scary for her - probably not enough to deter her next time!
Glad she is okay!!
Brings back memories of me getting a ring for my birthday probably in the second or third grade and it got stuck on my fingers one day after recess, they tried to get it off with soap but with my finger turning purple/blue they ended up cutting it off, I was a bit shaken up over it too for a bit, and sad my beautiful ring was a goner.
Glad all is o.k.Tell lily we have snow today.colin
I'm glad she's ok, but she's probably a lifelong climber!
Awww! Poor Lily! Glad she's OK!
Well glad the little monkey is okay. And no chance she learned any leason...she's a kid and an active one at that. Oh well that's all part of the fun
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