Some incredibly sweet friends of ours who just happen to have 3 awfully large dogs, but more on that in a second, have just put a swing in their beautiful back garden. Now mind you this isn't an ordinary swing. They had to have special equipment to install it as it hangs in such a high tree. When you are swinging your tummy does flip flops just from the arc on it. It is wonderful and when you get going really high you can see over the fence and see the horses next door. They told me to bring Lily over to play on it and I did.
Oh yes the doggies. As I mentioned in an earlier post I have a very BIG fear of dogs due to the fact that I was bitten very badly when I was 5 by a neighbours dog that I had known my entire life. That did it for me and I have shaken in my shoes literally ever since when a dog is near, even our family pets. If you look at one of the photos you will see the biggest Doberman on the planet. Her name is Shadow and I have to give Shadow credit for turning my phobia of dogs into a sort of controlled fear. The first time I went to this house I think I nearly passed out but my friends new the deal with me and explained that their dogs are therapy dogs at Miami Childrens Hospital and would never hurt anyone. In my head I said, yeah right, the dog that bit me would never hurt anyone blah blah blah lady! But as the months went by and it has now been years I started to gingerly touch Shadow and she never even moved. Fast forward to now when I have to spend at least 5 minutes alone with Shadow when I go there with no other dogs around so her and I can have special time. Don't get me wrong, I am never left alone with her cos that is too freaky for me but this dog is beyond special and I can actually say that I care about her and that is something that I never thought I would ever say about a dog again. As for the Retriever, that is Miss Sophie and she is a hoot and couldnt hurt a fly if she tried. It is really hard for me not to show this fear to Lily and instead teach her respect but she wasnt fazed by the size of Shadow and Sophie at all and just loved the swing and the lounge chair, well until Sophie tried to climb on board as well.
Oh I did say 3 dogs, Snickers was feeling anti social that afternoon and chose to stay inside.This is so much fun.

Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share PhotosBehind my cousin are the BIG doggies

Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share PhotosThis is a bit blurry...or maybe it is your eyeballs
Can I play too?

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