If you don't like negativity step away from your computer because this ain't no cheerful post people!
As much as I am happy for all of the people who are seeing their little ones for the first time today I am sick of this wait. Referrals coming in dribs and drabs is endless, this wait is endless. I know that we will all get our babies in the end but for all of you who are not in this process let me explain to you what this uncertainty is like.....there are no words for it. I just want things to speed up, I want a concrete date something a long the lines of, in x amount of months you will get your referral, not this ever increasing uncertainty. To all you new mums and dads I know you thought the wait would never end and the day would never arrive but it has and congratulations to all of you. And to the CCAA I do not speak Chinese but I learn fast so if you need some help over there let me know I will be there in a flash and I guarantee I can find a few good helpers to come too! This month I learnt that the referrals were here in an email from my cousin in the UK, I hadn't quite got around to checking yet. And to end on a cheery note.....one step closer. (BARF)