20 Nov 2006

Young Man Winter

This is hardly news worthy for most of the world but for us here in South Florida this is big news. Young man winter is here at last! I can't call him old man winter cos it just isn't that cold! Tonight the temperatures are going down into the 40's and I can't wait. Out comes the goose down duvet and on goes the heating. Lily will be buried under the biggest pile of blankies imaginable and we will all be drinking hot chocolate.
Well, there just isn't any news on the adoption front so I had to tell you all something. Oh wait, there is a little bit of news, our social worker was at the picnic yesterday and our report is ready to be sent to immigration so we can now start that process all over again. I really dont think it is worth spending the money to get re-fingerprinted and since we dont have a chance of travelling before our 171-h expires in June so I am just going to gather all the documents and send them off to start that ball rolling all over again.

1 comment:

Ann said...

It is cold!!! I had to acutally put a sweatshirt on and I felt stupid wearing my sandles. So no more sandles or flips.


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