I don't weigh very much. I have gained 8 lbs since I stopped smoking almost a year ago but really when you add that to, not much, you still aren't going to hold down a couch in a breeze. Today the girls and I went to Fairchild Tropical Garden with a friend. We are so lucky to have such a fabulous garden on our own doorstep.
The garden always has some fabulous art work being displayed and this year is no exception. The artists being displayed now are Dale Chihuly, Yoko Ono, John Chamberlain and the one that is really prominent is Chapungu.
Rosie saw this statue........
Spirit man/woman by Chapungu |
......Rosie walked up to it, Rosie walked around it and Rosie announced in a large Rosie voice, "this one looks just like mummy, except the hair".
Lily and Becky laughed, a lot. I think I may have called Rosie a few million names, under my breath, so that only Becky could hear them. I actually laughed to a whole lot.
Tomorrow I am signing up for Jenny Craig, Weight watchers, lap band surgery, butt reduction and a personal trainer but lord knows I am keeping those big boobs.
More on our fabulous day at Fairchild tomorrow.This deserved a post of it's own. If you follow me on Facebook then you know already that I changed my profile pic to this big Chonga Mama.