I had this marvellous idea 2 days ago to drive 3.5 hours today to meet up with someone I have never met and have lunch. Oh and just in case said person was a total freak I would drag my kids along for good measure. Then I thought about it some more and called another friend who I know, knows this person and asked if she wanted to come along for the ride with her kidlet, she did.
Tammie and I have known each other for a few years through our FCC group but I had never met Fliss. I followed her blog as she waited for Shauna and followed her when she got home, then we switched to Facebook and once I knew the girls had a long weekend I decided to drive up to meet her.
What is it that with some people you just click. First we went to lunch and then once that was done with we headed to a park so that the girls could play. They all played so well together that we sat and chatted and laughed. We laughed so hard. I would try and tell you what we laughed about but I fear you might call the authorities. We are mad, the 3 of us together should never be left alone. I know some of things that cracked us up but most of it just happened and we moved right on to the next thing that killed us.
It's the sort of day that when you get into bed and are falling asleep you just start to laugh again because you remembered something that happened.
All the girls were filthy dirty by the time we left the park and just sat very still in the car on the way home watching a movie. They did not talk.
Just a little chocolate with lunch. |
Rosie and Erin playing basket ball |
Erin the monkey |
Shauna the Monkey |
Shauna, be still my heart. |
My big, big girl |
Fliss the cleaning fairy. I busted her cleaning the equipment. Did my OCD heart good. |
I have no idea what got into Rosie today she was a maniac. She even straightened out a little girl that kept coming over and picking Shauna up. That was one of the funniest moments when the Asian posse was running the park |
I really cannot wait to meet up again. It's going to be one of
those friendships.
How great that you could get together and meet Fliss!! Love seeing the girlies together.
I love it when you start off a post with...."I had this marvelous idea".....I always know it will be an adventure! Looks like a fun day all the way around!
It definitely was one of those times! I am so happy that you invited Erin & I to tag along. At first she really wasn't sure about it but by bedtime she thanked me for making her go with us. (As if there were any choice.)
It was a lovely ride - scenic route & all. I do believe that next time I will be taking my new camera so I can video my OCD buddies. :-)
Oh what fun! All my favourite ladies and kidlets together! I so wish I could have joined you all. Love, love, love!!!!
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