This afternoon Lily was working hard on a school project, Rosie was sleeping and I decided to fiddle around with the blog. Things were not going well, I knew exactly what I wanted but somehow I ended up with nothing. The screen showed nothing but a blank slate. I suffered a massive heart attack, took a deep breathe and started back peddling really fast. This is not the look I was searching for, at all. Not even close. Lily hates it, Hubby hasn't seen it yet and as for Rosie, well let's face it, the kid's 4 so as long as her picture is on it she loves it. I wanted to make my pictures larger. What's the secret?
Rosie came down stairs yesterday whimpering. She finally managed to tell me she had hurt her knanckle. I think she meant ankle but it could have been knuckle as she never did produce any sort of boo boo.
Lily made Principals Honor Roll this grading period, again. Her and her bestie tried to pretend to have really bad report cards and both walked out of school trying really hard to look upset. Let's just say they won't get an Oscar for that lame performance. They were both to proud to act sad. We buy grades in this house. A perfect report card holds a reward. We have no shame.
I have never understood people who jog, ever. I can't imagine how boring it must be to just keep running. I'm eating my words. At the beginning of the year I decided I would get up earlier than I already do and go out for a power walk. I then realised that there was no possible way I was walking anywhere in the dark. I don't like the dark plus 5.30 is just not a time when a person should get up. I put that plan on hold and kept to my regular exercise schedule. Three weeks ago I revamped that plan and went out for a walk after Lily went to school. I walked for about 5 minutes and then started running. I couldn't run far as I couldn't breath. Fast forward to today and I run every single day. It is really boring so I make it fun by trying to beat my time every single day. I have trimmed 7 minutes off since day one. It is amazing how much further I can run. Sometimes I take Rosie along in the pushchair. I am not fast at all on those days. Today it was freezing here and raining and I went faster than ever and didn't even break a sweat.
When my sister was visiting us, along time ago, she noticed that the people here are just not friendly and she is right. You can see the same person every single day and they won't say hello or even offer a smile. I am making it my mission to make every person that I see when I run, often the same faces day after day, say hello. It helps with the monotony. It also makes it a more pleasant place to live. It's common courtesy and plain old fashioned good manners as far as I am concerned.
Rosie asked today if we could have a party. She requested hats, necklaces, grapes, fancy snacks and fireworks. She wanted another New Years Eve party. Kid is bonkers. I obliged her cos it was good fun however it took place at 7pm. What does she know with time?
Here are some photos of the girls from today. Don't laugh to hard.
This part isn't funny, it's just Lily with wavy hair. She requested wavy, not curly hair so she slept with some great big rollers in. Don't worry they were soft.

She loves it.

Here is the funny part. When Rosie saw Lily's hair she wanted it too

I called her Edna the whole time she had her rollers in.

I couldn't keep a straight face and when Jacob saw her he roared with laughter.
I failed to take a photo of her when her hair was all curly. Next time.