As of last night she didn't want to go to school today. Kidlet doesn't handle change very well and if it is a school day then in her mind she should be in school and not galavanting around the zoo. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I would not be on the bus with her as I knew that would send her into a full blown freak-out-attack. I decided that I was just going to take her to school and then I would walk out of the classroom and jump into my car and meet her at the zoo. I was supposed to be going along with 8 other parents but we couldn't all ride the bus. I chose to not do it as I wanted her to do something alone. Her teacher or Anna, another Mum, would sit with her and all would be well. It is not as if I was abandoning her with strangers.
Well let me tell you the tears and panic set in as she boarded the bus. I sort of forced her up the stairs and then tried to find her from outside to see where she was sitting but she is little so I couldn't even see the tippy top of her head. Anna motioned she was with her and then Rosie peered out the window, smiling.
I took another mother with me and we met them at the zoo. Rosie was all excited about the bus ride. (I wanted to say, I told you so but that isn't very motherly so I zipped it) The kids had the best time all holding hands and walking around looking at the animals. Somehow there was a mix up with our monorail tickets and after waiting for 10 minutes with 16 kids we were told we couldn't go on as we hadn't yes we have but never mind lets just get this crowd moving somewhere, anywhere.
All of them were so happy but slowly the heat of the day started to wear them down so it was off for a drink and a snack to energize them, followed by a quick trip to the loo and we were off and running agin. Taking 16 kids to the loo is different! At no time today did Rosie ask to leave. I was really surprised by this. She didn't asked to be held or carried and only one time required a hug and I think that is because I was bending down to talk to her and she just wanted a hug as opposed to needing it. Life is getting easier for her and to that I say yeehaw.
When it was time to leave she asked me to go on the bus and I explained that I had my car and she dove right up the steps and waved like a crazy woman at me.
See I do know what I am doing. I know her better than anyone and I know when to force it and when to comfort her.
Today was a huge step and i am calling it a SUCCESS.
A little teary eyed
So beautiful. Graceful yet intimidating
Standing under the spritzer
We have annual passes for the zoo so we go there frequently. Zoo Miami is an amazing zoo but riding on a big yellow bus trumps the zoo any day of the week.
Love the pics on the bus....the smile says it all. I got all teary eyed reading this so I can imagine how you were! Awesome giraffes.....I also think they are so cool.
PS. You have permission to link to my blog any time you want!
Popster just read this post & he thinks Rosie is adorable!
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