This is the motto of the swim team that Lily just joined. She had to try out on Tuesday evening and was accepted so now she trains 3 nights a week and competes once a month. As much as she loves to ride, the long lessons on horseback with the temperatures hovering close to the 100 degree mark, were starting to get old. She doesn't care for really hot weather. She couldn't decide whether to take up tennis or swimming until I pointed out that it was going to be just as hot playing tennis as it was riding so she chose swimming.
She couldn't wait for Tuesday. She hurried through her homework, to prove to us that she could get it all done and still have time to swim and then ran to find a bathing suit suitable for speed. In the car I old her it was fine if she didn't make it and that we would just get her some lessons to polish her strokes and try out again soon. Once she did her thing and was told she was in, she smiled from ear to ear.
Her first lesson was on Wednesday and I watched her every move. I really don't how she managed to keep going as they swam non-stop for an hour, just over in her case as we arrived a few minutes early and coach told her to jump right in. On and on they went, this stroke and that stroke, floats between their legs, boards for their arms, diving etc. I was starting to worry that she was getting exhausted but wasn't saying anything. silly me.
A friend from her class is also on this team, unbeknownst to me, so that probably helped to cheer her on. She seemed to be having a great time. I was floored when she was drying off and I asked her how it was and she said, "I didn't like it at all, not one bit." Oh my, I really didn't know what to say. Part of me wanted to run back to the office and grab my cheque out of the box and just hightail it to the car, never to be seen again by a Flying Fish. She didn't like the fact that all she did was drills, she didn't like the fact that she could only swim as fast as the person in front of her, she didn't like the fact that they only did dives twice and on and on the list went.
We talked about it and she agreed to stay in until the first meet and if she still hates it then we will talk but I knew I had to talk to the coach today. This is a serious swim team. The coach is a former Olympiad and one of the members is heading to London next year. That said, they strive for fun, and a relaxed atmosphere and it shows. There is no yelling, no crazy parents in the stands just the coaches and the team members. Lots of fun activities after practice etc.
Her second session was today and whaddya know, she loved it. She had the head coach for most of the lesson, she got to do lots more things, each night is something totally different and she got out of the pool (due to weather ) and told me it was really good fun. Must have been more competitive tonight cos that is what she likes!
I spoke to the assistant coach and she whisked Lily off for a sidebar and they agreed that Lily has to speak up if she doesn't enjoy it but she guarantees that she will.
Swim team aside Lily is just really loving her new Speedo in the bright green and blue, she swears she has never swam "this" fast in any other suit! Tonight after practice she was given the team hat so now she really feels like the cats pajamas. Oh and the flippers that she has to have, apparently they are the bomb!
Swimming using only one arm. (I would be going in a circle)