6 Sept 2011

Because, I'm a big girl.

Last Tuesday as I walked Rosie into school she announced that she wasn't going to cry. I don't like to be sceptical but all I could think was, I'll believe it when I see it. She didn't cry. We followed her routine and she was fine.

She has been fine every day since then. Not a tear, not a sob and nothing even close to a full blown panic attack. I still don't hang about, I just do what we need to do and high tail it back to my car. School is fun now. In fact the other day when we arrived she asked if I could put her lunch away as she needed to get to work. She has a job in the mornings to hand out crayons and she was all about getting to it.

She told me she is a big girl now and big girls don't cry.


Andie said...

Wonderful news.
Love to everyone.

Life frome where we are said...

Way to go Rosie......you are a big girl!!!!

Alice said...

I'm just as happy for YOU as I am for Rosie!

Vivian M said...

Oh my, someone is growing up real fast! Yay Rosie!

Jeanne said...

That's the very best news, sending a big hug to Rosie for being such a BIG girl. xx

Maci Miller said...

Aww! Isn't she just so sweet! So amazing are these moments of growing up. Half of me wants to scream with joy and pride and half of me wants to tear up and ask for one more hug and say hey, where's my baby?

So glad Rosie is adjusting quick to school this year and enjoying it. What an awesome kid!


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