3 Sept 2011

9 year old check up.

Today was Lily's annual well visit with her pediatrician. Her regular ped called yesterday to say that she wasn't going to be in the office and gave us the choice to re-schedule but since Lily has no issues I was fine with another doctor seeing her.
I loved this other Dr. just as much as I love Barbara.
She conducted the whole office visit towards Lily. She didn't ask me one question. I think that is so important cos I am not Lily and she needs to be able to answer the types of questions that doctors ask her and also feel comfortable doing so. First off was the weights and measure room. She now weighs 58lbs (4 stone 1) and is 51 3/4 inches tall. Not much growth this year. The doctor really questioned her regarding her lack of weight gain and wanted to be sure she was eating. Once she was happy with all the answers she got we moved on. She ended up saying that Lily looks terrific and it is nice to see slim and healthy children as so many kids are obese today. She then checked a few of Lily's joints and was quite surprised to see how flexible she is...aren't we all? Lily performed on demand for this one and the doc was laughing at her flexibility prowess.
Lily's hearing, eyes and everything else were checked quite thoroughly along with the usual urinalysis and blood test for anemia and cholesterol. Lily's cholesterol has dropped, not much but it is down so that's good. She isn't concerned about it either. it was 219 and now it is 205. She talked about growing boobies, and body hair but also added it wasn't very likely yet but at 9 these things are now considered normal. (say what?) I was much older than that and frankly I am still waiting for my boobs.
All in all another great visit. The doctor offered the flu shot, looked at her file and said, "I see she never gets sick, lets not bother. If you want it come in anytime and get one". She doesn't ever get them and I'm hoping the doctors words didn't jinx anything.
So we bebopped out of the office and Lily started to complain that she was starving so I did something that I NEVER do and drove through W*endy's and picked her up a kids meal. I'm sure the Dr. would have loved that.


Life frome where we are said...

Yeah...the "boob" fairy never visited me either!

Vivian M said...

Kerri asked me when her boobs would grow. Oy.

Glad to hear Lily is healthy and does not need a flu shot!


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