This morning when I awoke, somewhat early due to the arrival of the tooth fairy last night, I fully anticipated receiving an email from cousin Andie stating that she was winging her way over the Atlantic Ocean on her way to our house. This was not the news I received instead I received the exact opposite, "due to the Britis*h Airway*s strike I am still here. Am trying to get on the flight to Dallas and will then get a connection to Miami. If I get on the flight I will not be able to email again so will ring once I arrive in Dallas." My heart sank a little bit but I knew she would get here just a lot later than expected.
The girlies knew of her impending arrival as this was an impromptu trip and we sort of changed our spring break plans and they heard us chatting with her on the phone and were so excited. They did not, however, know that today was "Andie Day". I made them both little paper chains so that they could tear off a link each day but I made an extra one just in case so they thought she was coming tomorrow.
Lily had a riding lesson again this morning and I was so happy when we left at 9.50 that there was no more news from her as this meant she was on her way. In my head I was calculating riding lesson, lunch, nap, and heading off to the airport all whilst trying to remain calm and not showing any excitement whatsoever. ( I am not known for hiding any emotions well, if at all.) Jacob came with us to riding, which in itself is a treat and Lily and Rosie were both so thrilled to find out that Lily was riding Tacoma, the love of Rosie's life.
Her lesson went well. She is now in the advanced classes ~gulp~ so yet again this horse proved to be a challenge. Lily rides Paso Fino's and Tacoma is not one so her lesson today was completely different to any she has had previously as this horse has a totally different gait. I am not sure what breed Tacoma is but frankly Lily looked to be riding an over sized Labrador with his big lolloping waddle. She also had to use her whip non stop. Tacoma is the friendliest, kindest, most gentle creature off of the field but put a saddle on him and he is one stubborn fellow.
Lily was so relieved to be not be on Red Beauty today that she embraced this challenge and did really well. She was a tad peeved that she was not allowed to gallop today. Galloping is never allowed the first time you ride a horse but Lily usually manages to convince Gema that she can do it for a minute a the end of the lesson. Not today. I don't think she had enough strength to kick him hard enough to make him gallop she was kicking and whipping just for a trot.
If you click on this photo to make it larger you can see Lily's newly acquired gap! I love her smiley happy face.

OK, I am ready to go!

Playing with Daddy's hat.

A tender moment with Daddy.♥

Sitting on Tacoma at the end of the lesson....look at that blissful face.

After the lesson I ran into the house and thought I would find the confirmation email from Auntie Ann but instead there was one titled "bad News" and the sender was Andie. I knew what it was going to say and I didn't read it for a minute or two. I had to think what I was going to tell the girls and how we were going to salvage Spring Break. I was correct. She wasn't able to get on and the flights are all over sold due the BA strike so she cannot even come tomorrow. I am so disappointed, as we all are.
But I am the Mummy and it is my job to "fix it" so I put myself into overdrive and remembered this saying:
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but about learning to dance in the rain.
We needed to dance! Goodness me, my hubby works for the airlines so we can savage Spring Break very easily but I needed to put a smile back on the kiddies faces. When Rosie woke up from her nap we drove to Coc0nut Grove and went to a really wonderful park. They played for awhile and then we drank/ate frozen lemonade before walking down to the bay and all around the park. The girlies were hungry so (gawd help me) I bought them hot dogs from a vendor that they declared to be the "best ever" and then Lily said she didn't want to go home yet. We jumped into the car and headed to Key Bisca*yne. I love driving out there as the views are fabulous and on either side of the road you can pull your car over and literally just paddle in the ocean. I don't like that part of the beach though because quite frankly it is trashy, (call me a snob!) but I knew the girls would love it and they did. They whipped their shoes and socks off and splashed around for ages. I didn't take my camera because when we left I was still feeling fed up so I don't have any photos of the frivolity. By now it was and they were still going strong so I told them to get back in the car and tell me where they wanted to stop on the way home. They picked the Gr0ve again. We walked through some shops, people watched and had some more giggles. We ended the evening at an ice cream shop and sat outside where they chatted and giggled and just loved life, me too.
After a quick swill in the tub they hit our bed and were asleep before I left the room.....all snuggled up together.
I am still a tad blue but in the big picture life is good. There is a chance, if BA stops their strike that Andie will still be coming for a few days but we don't know when. Fingers crossed that it happens cos we really want to see her and all that chocolate stashed in her luggage is mine!