26 Mar 2010

A Visit From The Tooth Fairy.

This morning we were awoken to shrieks of, "my tooth, my tooth." It was Lily, her wiggley tooth had fallen out and she was over the moon. I mustered every ounce of happy that I could muster at that dark hour and did the happy dance with her. You see, Lily has only lost 3 teeth and she is nearly 8. Loose teeth are very very exciting to her and her first 2 teeth fell out after the big teeth had already grown in fully but this time is different and this time she has a gap....gasp. My goodness she was so excited and kept running to the mirror to see the gap.
Apparently having a gap can make deciding what you can eat for breakfast very, very difficult, it must have taken her 10 minutes and she changed here mind 4 times. I somehow remained patient, even at that ugly time of day.
As we drove to school I noticed that she was talking differently and it made me laugh, it isn't a lisp but it is something.
This evening when she went to bed and carefully placed her tiny, tiny tooth under her pillow along with a note from me asking the Tooth Fairy to please leave the tooth behind because I need to take it to the dentist, she layed her head on her pillow and had a huge smile on her face.
As I kissed her goodnight and told her I was quite sure the tooth fairy would be coming Rosie suddenly perked up and decided that she too needed a tooth for her pillow. What?? Try as I might I just could not make Rosie understand why she couldn't have a tooth for her pillow. I ended up telling the she would just have to check in the morning to see if she has money. Something tells me she is going to be disappointed. I also have a feeling that I will be woken quite early by a little girl who will be checking to see that the famous fairy came. And the other who is going to be mad when she realises that she didn't.


Tammie said...

Yay Lily! That gap seems to make things so different to children.

Vivian M said...

Awww, congrats Lily on losing your tooth!


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