Here are some Lily pic's as she prepped for a visit to Nannie and Grandpas.
Yes, it is official she is spoiled rotten
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This girl does it right and was not about to leave until she had been under the dryer just like everyone else.
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After getting my pedicure we went shoe shopping. There is something about a pedicure that demands new sandals. (that's my story and I'm sticking to it)
I really do have way to many pairs of shoes but I love shoesies.
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I shan't post tomorrow because it will be such a nutty day and I do have to pack(just typing the word makes me gag) so this is farewell until we meet again.
I do plan on blogging but not daily.
Have fun.
P.S Lily wants everyone to know that she has a surprise, on her head but she cannot share it because she wants to tell Nannie and Grandpa first. (those were her words I only typed them for her.)