Tonight was Lily's weekly riding lesson and she was, as always, really looking forward to it. We arrived at the farm a few minutes early and we waited for her instructor to show up. As soon as Frenchie appeared things got underway and before I knew it the horses were saddled up and Lily was off. She had only been gone for a minute when Latin Fire turned around and bolted for the barn with Lily on his back. Lily was giggling like a fool and Frenchie was yelling instructions to her. Lily managed to get things back under her control and she headed back to the paddock.
No sooner was she back in the driving seat, so to speak, Latin Fire took off again. This time he headed to the tarmac and put on one hell of a show with my little girl, my 42 lb wimp on his back. She was unfazed and listened carefully to what Frenchie was telling her and yet again she bought him back to the paddock. Now if any of you have known me for my entire life you will know that this is why I gave up on horses...they do not listen. When they pull this crap it really unnerves me and I get off. The last time it happened to me I never got on one again!
After a few more minutes of drama Frenchie literally screamed for Lily to, "come here" and she took her off of him. She then altered the stirrups, mounted and whipped that bad boy into shape, not literally. After she had shown him who was boss she let Lily get back on but not before she asked me if she was in trouble. I explained that she was not at all in trouble but Latin Fire was. I then explained that Frenchie was showing him who was the boss and that was what she needed to do when she got back on. A few seconds later I could hear Lily telling him something about: behaviour, I'm the boss, you will do what I want, and not tolerating his badness (her word). I smiled and watched my little Schnoog take her heels and give him one mean kick followed by a yank on the reins, that I swear would have removed my head and off they went. Lily rides Paso Finos and they ride with their heads held very high and she was making sure he was looking at the sky. She was in control and she was loving it. I have to say I was really proud of her cos she was giving 100%. I was worried cos Latin Fire was pissed off and Lily doesn't have that much experience but she did it.
She did it for a few more minutes and then off he went again. He didn't get to far cos Lily reined him in but again he started a song and dance and for the first time I really thought she was about to hit the deck. She was struggling to stay on and listen to Frenchie at the same time. Frenchie is like the horse whisperer and takes no crap from them at all so she went up and gave him a whack which of course made him rear and kick even more. Now I wanted to close my eyes but I couldn't cos at the same time I wanted to see how Lily was doing. Her face was in a grimace, she was fighting like the dickens to stay in that saddle and she did it. She turned Mr. Cranky pants about and got him back in the paddock. I have to tell you I was one proud mama.
At this point I can no longer tell if Frenchie is cross with just the horse or with Lily as well. Rosie and I sat glued to our seats and listened as Frenchie shouted instructions to the uppity horse and it's little rider. Finally the lesson came to an end and Lily and a very relieved Latin Fire headed for the barn, much faster than usual. Rosie and I headed over and as Frenchie helped Lily get off she gave her a huge hug. As Lily gathered her folder and took off her hat and gloves and headed for the office for her homework assignment Frenchie came over and said that she was amazed by Lily today and that she did what most adults can never manage, she got Latin Fire under her control and returned him to the paddock each time.
This was supposed to have been a testing day for Lily and had things gone well she would have graduated to the next level. She didn't. It was through no fault of her own but because Latin Fire had a different set of ideas. Lily left tonight with a full understanding of how well she did and a certificate of achievement.
When Lily came up to me she showed me her hands, they were white. She was holding the reins so tight she had blisters. After her bath I gave her a massage and her thighs were so tight she asked me why and I told her from squeezing to stay in the saddle, She replied, I didn't, was I meant to? Oy vey that doesn't make me feel any better knowing that she was just perched on the top, Oh Well.
Yes, I am proud of her and I told her so myself. My parents said it wasn't good to tell your kids things like that cos they might get a big head. Frankly, she deserves a big head this time, but she doesn't have one. To her it was just another day in the saddle another fun day riding a horse. I lost a few heart beats that I will never ever get back again but kidlets do that to you all the time.
Well done, you little wimp you rode like a champion. When it comes to having attitude you really do win, hooves down.