I was reminded earlier today that I have not been blogging. There is a good reason for it, we have been busy and the weather has once again turned hot and I have had migraine after migraine from it....
ughh. So I will now try and bring the weeks events up to date whilst in a medicated stupor.
hah...not all bad I tell ya!
Last Tuesday our attic was invaded by a swarm of bees. As if this isn't bad enough Lily will go into
anaphylactic shock if stung by a bee and they were somehow getting from the attic into our bathroom even though there is no attic hatch there. A quick call to a bee man in the next county and we had an appointment for bright and early on Wednesday morning to solve our dilemma and calm Lily's frazzled nerves. I left early to go to work and when I returned I couldn't see any bees at all swarming so I bounced inside and asked Jacob what the guy did. Nada, zip, diddly, was his reply! Apparently, Mike the
beeman took a look around and said that the bee's were lost and that they were not building a hive in our attic but in fact they were looking for their own hive and that they would move out shortly and find their queen. I initially thought this man was raving mad and wanted to know just how much this information had cost us. Jacob said all he had to do was listen to a 15 minute sermon on Christianity and the man shook his hand and left. The bees did too cos they are gone. He was not in fact raving mad and does in fact know all about bees. All of
lifes little problems should be so easy to solve.
Rosie is potty trained! Nothing more to say about that really. Well one more thing, all her clothes are falling off of her now cos she doesn't have the extra padding to hold up her shorts, skirts and pants. She wears the smallest knickers that I have ever seen and they are so sweet and her little bum looks teeny tiny in them. She calls herself a big girl now. In her mind she has graduated from baby to big girl because she wears knickers. She is even dry at night and at nap time. I think she is pretty late doing this but I am just glad that she is finally here.
Hubby had some type of stomach flu. It was short and sweet thank goodness but he thought he might die.
Nuff said!
I decorated our bedroom. Just one day in a frenzy I re-did the whole room. Love it. Did the master bath too cos you cannot leave that out when it is part of the bedroom, well sort of part of the bedroom. I will post photos soon. I need to take some.
I have become a
Craigs*list Junkie. I swear if it isn't tied down it is going to be listed and sold. So much easier than a garage sale.
If I am rambling you can blame the
meds and the migraine.
Unfit mother that I am I purchased the movie Mrs
Doubtfire for Lily. I completely forgot how "naughty" and inappropriate it is for a child of that age. Oh well she has seen it and I have had some explaining to do even though I tried to divert her attention a few times and cough really loudly a few times to cover things up. She loves it. She now insists on calling my brother and his partner Uncle Colin and Aunt Jon, just like in the movie. Sorry Colin and Jon and I am sure she will forget about it soon. She doesn't really know why she is saying it other than most couples have a boy and a girl....that is her reasoning. (it made me giggle). She even told someone at a party on Sunday, rather proudly I might add, that she has an Uncle Colin and an Aunt Jon. They were talking about how all families are different, some have 2 mummies and some have only a mummy and no daddy etc.
This weekend the girls went to a birthday party and each child got to paint a ceramic, even Rosie. Need I say how big she thought she was? It was so sweet as she picked out the one she wanted and then went to town painting it with the big girls. Lily painted a plaque for her room that
say's "Girls Rule" on it with some flowers. She did an amazing job, perfectionist that she is. Rosie chose a peace sign and I told her her Uncle Colin would be very proud of her. She then got gobs and gobs of orange paint and painted it. She wants it on her wall too......yikes.
Anlei, the birthday girl.


Lily sporting yet another gap and
Rosie's colour

As you can clearly see in the pictures, Lily lost another tooth this week. She lost the tooth that was beginning to dissolve.
Yay for that. It came out on Tuesday night, a night when I had a particularly bad migraine and was so thankful that they had gone to bed. Not five minutes later she crept downstairs with a huge grin on her face, blood all over her chin and hands and I knew I was going to have to force my throbbing body into an upright position and celebrate. She must have yanked it out really forcefully cos she was bleeding everywhere and informed me that her bed was all bloody. Did I mention my head? I asked if she would be able to sleep in her bed or if she needed new sheets. Under normal circumstances I would never uttered those words and the bed would have been stripped immediately but....my head. She got back into bed, It had a tiny drop on her duvet cover and finally she fell asleep and the tooth fairy gave her extra money. I think she did that because I was so unimpressed by the whole bloody event and she felt a bit sorry for her.
I bet you are really glad I am finished!