Shortly after Lily's 5th birthday she turned into peeing machine. I took her to her pediatrician and she did a urinalysis that came back negative. The ped' said that if she didn't poop every day she would get pressure on her bladder. Umm hello. Lily does poop everyday. Lily didn't have any discomfort but the need to pee didn't go away. Since she was symptom free and pain free we decided to see if it would go away in time. We thought that it might all be in her head and that a break form her routine would cure her but as of today she is still peeing all the time and when we were in the UK she would interrupt her play time to have to stop and pee and would even ask before we went somewhere if they had bathrooms.
This morning we took her to a new pediatrician, who happens to be a client of mine. Ever since I met this lady I wanted to switch to her but I felt a loyalty to the other DR. A couple of things have happened recently with the other DR and I knew it was the time to switch. Lily loves her new doc and her new office. After a thorough examination and a multitude of questions and of course another urinalysis it has been determined that Lily still does not have a UTI but could very possibly have had one and is now just in the habit of peeing all the time. Trying to stop her from peeing will not work so we are trying a different approach and if this doesn't work we are off to see a pediatric urologist next month.
Wish her luck cos she is going nuts and says at least once a day, "i just want to pee like a normal kid".
If it is in her head she has something called, irritated bladder and has a mother with an irritated brain. I wished so much for her to have a UTI cos that would have been cut and dry but this is Lily and nothing is ever cut and dry.
Before we went to the UK Lily said she had a surprise for everyone, on her head. She had had her ears pierced but didn't want to say anything on the blog because she wanted to show her Nannis and Grandpa first. Sadly, one ear has become infected and as of this morning she now only has one earring in. She got some little lady bird earrings form Brightons from her daddy but apparently she is allergic to silver so overnight she got a really nasty infection (well add to the silver irritation all the kids touching her cute little earrings with their grubby little fingers) but that is now also under control and the new DR promised to re pierce her ear in 6 weeks if it closes up.
This infection kills me. I am a germ freak and kept her ears so clean. Even the DR joked this morning about Lily being the Purell Queens daughter and noticed that Lily was so clean she said, no kid has finger nails this clean. Oh yeah, well mine does and so were her ears, I swear.
OK I am off to administer the meds.
Have a germ free day. Oh and if you have any spare loo roll we'll take it. We are using miles and miles of the stuff....just ask Nannis.

30 Aug 2007
29 Aug 2007
Ooops, I Forgot The Plot
It has been so hot and I have mentioned many times I DO NOT DO SUMMER, so I haven't had much to blog about. I have been fighting a huge migraine for 5 days now from the heat. Sometimes I win and sometimes it does. Lordy, what did people do before A/C?
Hers a photo of Lily that says it all.

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I would love to know what she was doing at school that made her knickers get all baggy ?!
Hers a photo of Lily that says it all.

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I would love to know what she was doing at school that made her knickers get all baggy ?!
26 Aug 2007
I Love My Family
The last 2 days have been so much fun. I know that most of the times I post about are fun but we seem to have alot of it. Before we had Lily we spent time travelling and seeing the sights so now we just take her along and most of the sights that we see are geared to her age group. Since she and Jacob are about the same age we all end up having fun.
We went to the Butterfly World yesterday and it really was quite spectacular, not quite as spectacular as the storm that blew in and closed everything 3 hours early but spectacular none-the-less.

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Poor little innocent Flutterby meets Lily.
Don't call PETA it was fine. She is gentle sometimes.

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We had way to much fun on this bridge. Lots of people ran off whilst we were there.
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Today was Zoo day and they have opened a new exhibit and you can actually feed the giraffes. I love giraffes. I find them so graceful and peaceful. But it was so flipping hot that we only stayed a little while and then we hit the pool with some friends. When we got home the outside thermometer was reading 120 degrees. NO, I am not exaggerating. I told you it was hot!

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Isn't this amazing?
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Cooling off time. Lily and Ebby blow water at each other and laugh their little faces off.

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We went to the Butterfly World yesterday and it really was quite spectacular, not quite as spectacular as the storm that blew in and closed everything 3 hours early but spectacular none-the-less.

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Poor little innocent Flutterby meets Lily.
Don't call PETA it was fine. She is gentle sometimes.

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We had way to much fun on this bridge. Lots of people ran off whilst we were there.
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Today was Zoo day and they have opened a new exhibit and you can actually feed the giraffes. I love giraffes. I find them so graceful and peaceful. But it was so flipping hot that we only stayed a little while and then we hit the pool with some friends. When we got home the outside thermometer was reading 120 degrees. NO, I am not exaggerating. I told you it was hot!

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Isn't this amazing?
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Cooling off time. Lily and Ebby blow water at each other and laugh their little faces off.

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24 Aug 2007
Gotcha Day Remembered (this will be long)
This will probably get very long winded as I remember the day as it unfolded and you may even need a tissue. I know I will.
Four years ago today Jacob and I were in Hubei Province China. We had had our last hoorah, as a childless couple, in Hong Kong for a day and then we flew straight to Wuhan a day early, or so we thought, so that we could get acclimatised. Our wonderful guide Kathy met us at the airport and we went straight to a department store so that we could get Chinese style bottles and formula for the baby and then it was off to our hotel. On the way to the White Rose, Kathy announced that we would be getting the babies tomorrow. Jacob and our friend "Chicken Feet" who came along with us to China didn't seem surprised until I said something about it being a day early and then they all caught on. I promptly burst into tears....a trend that would continue.
Once we were checked in and taken to our room the reality of everything hit us. There was a crib in our room. A crib for our baby. Oh dear heavens we were about to be parents to the most incredible little girl we had ever seen. (and you know we still feel this way). We unpacked and generally fiddled around until dinner time and then we went to one of the hotel restaurants where we met another couple in our group. We sat together and talked and talked. I don't what time we left the restaurant but I remember C.F. telling us we needed to get to bed cos we needed to be well rested for the morning. Oh and let me tell you rest was not about to happen. We were walking around with the most ridiculous grins on our faces. We were scared and excited all at once. We ran over the, "what if" list for the umpteenth time and finally fell asleep.
We awoke a 4.00am and made sure the diaper bag was packed and ready to go. Nothing like being prepared, we didn't have to be in the lobby until At about 10am more of the group arrived and we all started to congregate in our room. Finally it was time to go. We piled into the bus and silence took over. Every now and again you would here a few words or a nervous giggle but that was it. My stomach was bouncing around so much I thought I might have swallowed Tigger.
We pulled up in front of a hotel and were taken upstairs to a hot room and there we waited. At one point a cute little girl of about 2 came zooming in and then she fled. She turned out to be Sonja, the oldest child in our group and the one we nicknamed the "little marine". Our guide introduced us to another lady who only spoke Chinese and then Kathy translated every word she said. It seemed to go on forever but I knew it was important but seriously I just wanted them to be quiet and hand us Lily. I lost my concentration and suddenly the room was filled with people carrying babies and everything started to happen very fast. The director of Lilys orphanage spoke, again I have no idea what she said cos I was close to throwing up from excitement. Then it happened, they called John's name and he went down on bended knee and asked Sonja if he could be her daddy. That did it for me, I was crying. It was the most touching thing I have ever seen in my life. One by one they rattled off names and I was trying so hard to spot our little munchkin amongst the crowd. I finally saw her and I just couldn't believe it was about to happen. Kathy shouted, "JacobdawnCope". It sounded like one word and did every time they said it. We moved forward and as arranged Jacob lent forward and took our daughter into his arms and then he turned towards me to show me this beautiful and tiny little girl who was ours, all ours. I didn't want to kiss her straight away because I didn't want to scare her so I kissed my finger and stroked her cheek.
She was giving Jacob the evil eye. She wasn't crying but she really wasn't happy about the situation. She sat in his arms all rigid and slowly the tears built up in her eyes and she started to cry and look around for her nanny. It was so heartbreaking to watch. Our dream come true was an absolute nightmare to her. All the kids were starting to cry so we walked over to a corner and tried to comfort this precious little child. C.F. is Chinese so she spoke to her and tried to comfort her but from a distance. She understood that getting to close to her at the moment would not help the situation. I remember crying so hard and thinking that the photos would be awful if I didn't get my act together. Jacob was also crying and so was Lily....a match made in heaven.
Things became blurry but we got back on the bus and Lily calmed down and comforted herself in Jacobs arms. She fell asleep and stayed that way for the duration of the ride. I kept staring at her and wondering what I had done to deserve this little one. My world had turned rightside up in a second and I finally knew the love of a mother to a child. Lily or as she was back then, Yu Ni, slept for a good hour conked out of Jacobs chest. When she woke up she whimpered and it broke my heart. We had received a bag from the orphanage and in it was a bottle of her favourite drink and a snack so we gave it to her and she calmed down again. I knew I had to change her but the thought of undressing her seemed so cruel that we waited.
We spent the rest of the day talking to her, holding her and showing her some things. She didn't smile but she didn't cry again either. We were amazed at how many Mongolian spots she had. Her little body was blue everywhere and I was concerned that some of them we bruises. She was playing on the floor sitting on a towel and we had no idea if she could even walk when she suddenly jumped up and ran out of the room and down the hall way with the typical drunken sailor gait of a child who is new at walking. We followed in close pursuit and bought her back to the room. She started to jibber jabber and ate a reasonable amount of dinner. Jacob and another dad went back to the supermarket to get more supplies while I tried to put her to bed. I gave her a bottle rocked her in my arms and she went out for the count until the next morning. I just kept staring at her and saying, Isn't she beautiful. It wasn't a question but a statement.
At some point we made a couple of phone calls to let the world know we had her.
I love watching the video of this day and so does Lily. We showed it to her once shortly after we got back and she started to get cry and became very agitated. She must have remembered some of it. We stopped it immediately and didn't show it to her again for months.
Our Gotcha day was very easy and we are really thankful. Our love for Lily grows every day and she just continues to amaze us.
For those of you waiting for your first will be worth it, so very, very worth it.
Publishing SNAFU.....I wrote this post last night so that I could just copy and paste it today before we leave for the day but I forgot and hit publish so this is a day early by date.
Four years ago today Jacob and I were in Hubei Province China. We had had our last hoorah, as a childless couple, in Hong Kong for a day and then we flew straight to Wuhan a day early, or so we thought, so that we could get acclimatised. Our wonderful guide Kathy met us at the airport and we went straight to a department store so that we could get Chinese style bottles and formula for the baby and then it was off to our hotel. On the way to the White Rose, Kathy announced that we would be getting the babies tomorrow. Jacob and our friend "Chicken Feet" who came along with us to China didn't seem surprised until I said something about it being a day early and then they all caught on. I promptly burst into tears....a trend that would continue.
Once we were checked in and taken to our room the reality of everything hit us. There was a crib in our room. A crib for our baby. Oh dear heavens we were about to be parents to the most incredible little girl we had ever seen. (and you know we still feel this way). We unpacked and generally fiddled around until dinner time and then we went to one of the hotel restaurants where we met another couple in our group. We sat together and talked and talked. I don't what time we left the restaurant but I remember C.F. telling us we needed to get to bed cos we needed to be well rested for the morning. Oh and let me tell you rest was not about to happen. We were walking around with the most ridiculous grins on our faces. We were scared and excited all at once. We ran over the, "what if" list for the umpteenth time and finally fell asleep.
We awoke a 4.00am and made sure the diaper bag was packed and ready to go. Nothing like being prepared, we didn't have to be in the lobby until At about 10am more of the group arrived and we all started to congregate in our room. Finally it was time to go. We piled into the bus and silence took over. Every now and again you would here a few words or a nervous giggle but that was it. My stomach was bouncing around so much I thought I might have swallowed Tigger.
We pulled up in front of a hotel and were taken upstairs to a hot room and there we waited. At one point a cute little girl of about 2 came zooming in and then she fled. She turned out to be Sonja, the oldest child in our group and the one we nicknamed the "little marine". Our guide introduced us to another lady who only spoke Chinese and then Kathy translated every word she said. It seemed to go on forever but I knew it was important but seriously I just wanted them to be quiet and hand us Lily. I lost my concentration and suddenly the room was filled with people carrying babies and everything started to happen very fast. The director of Lilys orphanage spoke, again I have no idea what she said cos I was close to throwing up from excitement. Then it happened, they called John's name and he went down on bended knee and asked Sonja if he could be her daddy. That did it for me, I was crying. It was the most touching thing I have ever seen in my life. One by one they rattled off names and I was trying so hard to spot our little munchkin amongst the crowd. I finally saw her and I just couldn't believe it was about to happen. Kathy shouted, "JacobdawnCope". It sounded like one word and did every time they said it. We moved forward and as arranged Jacob lent forward and took our daughter into his arms and then he turned towards me to show me this beautiful and tiny little girl who was ours, all ours. I didn't want to kiss her straight away because I didn't want to scare her so I kissed my finger and stroked her cheek.
She was giving Jacob the evil eye. She wasn't crying but she really wasn't happy about the situation. She sat in his arms all rigid and slowly the tears built up in her eyes and she started to cry and look around for her nanny. It was so heartbreaking to watch. Our dream come true was an absolute nightmare to her. All the kids were starting to cry so we walked over to a corner and tried to comfort this precious little child. C.F. is Chinese so she spoke to her and tried to comfort her but from a distance. She understood that getting to close to her at the moment would not help the situation. I remember crying so hard and thinking that the photos would be awful if I didn't get my act together. Jacob was also crying and so was Lily....a match made in heaven.
Things became blurry but we got back on the bus and Lily calmed down and comforted herself in Jacobs arms. She fell asleep and stayed that way for the duration of the ride. I kept staring at her and wondering what I had done to deserve this little one. My world had turned rightside up in a second and I finally knew the love of a mother to a child. Lily or as she was back then, Yu Ni, slept for a good hour conked out of Jacobs chest. When she woke up she whimpered and it broke my heart. We had received a bag from the orphanage and in it was a bottle of her favourite drink and a snack so we gave it to her and she calmed down again. I knew I had to change her but the thought of undressing her seemed so cruel that we waited.
We spent the rest of the day talking to her, holding her and showing her some things. She didn't smile but she didn't cry again either. We were amazed at how many Mongolian spots she had. Her little body was blue everywhere and I was concerned that some of them we bruises. She was playing on the floor sitting on a towel and we had no idea if she could even walk when she suddenly jumped up and ran out of the room and down the hall way with the typical drunken sailor gait of a child who is new at walking. We followed in close pursuit and bought her back to the room. She started to jibber jabber and ate a reasonable amount of dinner. Jacob and another dad went back to the supermarket to get more supplies while I tried to put her to bed. I gave her a bottle rocked her in my arms and she went out for the count until the next morning. I just kept staring at her and saying, Isn't she beautiful. It wasn't a question but a statement.
At some point we made a couple of phone calls to let the world know we had her.
I love watching the video of this day and so does Lily. We showed it to her once shortly after we got back and she started to get cry and became very agitated. She must have remembered some of it. We stopped it immediately and didn't show it to her again for months.
Our Gotcha day was very easy and we are really thankful. Our love for Lily grows every day and she just continues to amaze us.
For those of you waiting for your first will be worth it, so very, very worth it.
Publishing SNAFU.....I wrote this post last night so that I could just copy and paste it today before we leave for the day but I forgot and hit publish so this is a day early by date.
I Call Him "MR Clever Pants"
Hubby came home yesterday to the normal hoopla and fanfare that he receives from Lily. This is one of the many parts of motherhood that will never get old. Lily goes bonkers when she sees him and throws herself at him and clamps her whole self on to him and kisses and snuggles. I think I am going to go away for a few days to see if she does it to me but maybe I shouldn't cos if it doesn't happen I will be crushed.
After she had gone to bed I hit Jacob with the normal laundry list of things that I had broken in his absence or things that had malfunctioned. This list was short just one little thing, my heart keyring that is new and I love. He took one look at it and immediately decided he could fix it. All was very quiet and when I returned to the kitchen I found out why.
I grabbed the camera cos this is a classic!
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It took him ages and ages but he was finally free from my heart.
After she had gone to bed I hit Jacob with the normal laundry list of things that I had broken in his absence or things that had malfunctioned. This list was short just one little thing, my heart keyring that is new and I love. He took one look at it and immediately decided he could fix it. All was very quiet and when I returned to the kitchen I found out why.
I grabbed the camera cos this is a classic!
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It took him ages and ages but he was finally free from my heart.
23 Aug 2007
Scared Silly

Most nights I am alone in the house as Jacob usually gets home very late. It doesn't bother me and I don't even give it a second thought. At the moment he is out of town so it is just the Lil and I night and day, nothing new there either and it doesn't faze me, well not ordinarily. For some stupid reason last night when I decided to go to bed I made my self all nervous. I don't remember how it began but I remember checking the locks before I went upstairs and then coming down again a few minutes later to check they were ALL locked again.
I peeked around the house in that childish, "I am all brave and nothing can scare me" kind of way and headed back upstairs. I checked on Lily again and headed to our room. Some noise scared the crap out of me and my heart started to beat out of my chest. I knew I was being utterly silly but I had passed the point of no return so I made a mad dash to Lilys room grabbed her out of her bed and flung her into bed with me and locked the door. Through all of that she didn't wake up. It took me forever to fall asleep cos I could hear at least 90 axe murderers creeping around the house. I apparently fell asleep at some point and was awoken this morning by a little voice saying, "Hey, how did I get in to your bed?" Then she lent over and gave me a kiss.
By the morning light everything seemed OK and all is well in Dawnsworld again.
22 Aug 2007
Life In Kindergarten
Today was day 3 of Kindergarten and it was the day when we had to drop Lily at the gate and not accompany her to her class room. She woke up this morning announcing that today was drop off day and she was very giddy about it. We had already made arrangements with my friend and neighbour, Liz to drive the girls to school in one car as her little one is still having a very difficult time with everything. All was well, the girls were very chatty in the car and loved the fact that they were dressed alike and had matching book bags and lunchboxes but that is where the cheery stuff ended.
Liz parked the car and we walked the girls to the gate and all was well. Lily shot through the gate with barely as much a glance over her shoulder and Isabella followed suit but suddenly realised that her mummy wasn't with her and she panicked and ran back to the gate, clamped her arms around Liz's legs and burst into tears. It ripped my heart out. It is the worst thing when the little ones don't want to go to school because they have to and you have to stick to your guns. After a moment the teacher came over and removed Isabella and we made a hasty exit but not before we were both in tears. Isabella didn't see us sobbing, we managed to hold it together long enough to hide behind the gate.
Lily, on the other hand loves school. She told me yesterday that she is so glad to be back at school and learning again. I have to say that I am so relieved but wish that I could be more of a morning person cos this being up at 6am following the wonderful vacation that we just had is murderous. I get everything ready the night before but mornings just aren't my schtick. How do you parents with more than one child do it!
Talking of vacations, which we weren't but we are now we flew from London directly to Massachusetts and spent some time with our wonderful friends, Fran and Shell before heading back here. Lily loves her aunties Fran and Shell which isn't really surprising since they are both nuts and love to spoil Lily. Shell turned the B.I.G. 40 on the day we arrived so we had a great time at her birthday party. Lily jumped straight into the pool before realising that the water was a tad bit cooler than the water in our pool here.
Fran took us all to the Peabody Essex Museum which is geared for kids and was really fabulous. They currently have there the Yin Yu Tang house which, in case you don't know, is a 200 yr old house from Huang Cun in China. It was bought over piece by piece and then re built at the museum. It was truly fascinating and you can check it out here
Lily and Her Auntie Shell

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Lily looking pretty cocky at the fact that her and Daddy have walked far out on the rocks!

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Lily hard at work in Fran's office.Actually that would be DR Curtains office or at least he thinks it is but if you ask Fran it is her office. LOL

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Lily and Jacob trying to scare all of the Seagulls off of the beach. Guess what? They were not successful those birds are even more cocky than Lil!
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Lily and Silly Auntie Shell. Shell how come your mother dodged all the camera lenses? Send me a candid one if her and I'll post it!

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Liz parked the car and we walked the girls to the gate and all was well. Lily shot through the gate with barely as much a glance over her shoulder and Isabella followed suit but suddenly realised that her mummy wasn't with her and she panicked and ran back to the gate, clamped her arms around Liz's legs and burst into tears. It ripped my heart out. It is the worst thing when the little ones don't want to go to school because they have to and you have to stick to your guns. After a moment the teacher came over and removed Isabella and we made a hasty exit but not before we were both in tears. Isabella didn't see us sobbing, we managed to hold it together long enough to hide behind the gate.
Lily, on the other hand loves school. She told me yesterday that she is so glad to be back at school and learning again. I have to say that I am so relieved but wish that I could be more of a morning person cos this being up at 6am following the wonderful vacation that we just had is murderous. I get everything ready the night before but mornings just aren't my schtick. How do you parents with more than one child do it!
Talking of vacations, which we weren't but we are now we flew from London directly to Massachusetts and spent some time with our wonderful friends, Fran and Shell before heading back here. Lily loves her aunties Fran and Shell which isn't really surprising since they are both nuts and love to spoil Lily. Shell turned the B.I.G. 40 on the day we arrived so we had a great time at her birthday party. Lily jumped straight into the pool before realising that the water was a tad bit cooler than the water in our pool here.
Fran took us all to the Peabody Essex Museum which is geared for kids and was really fabulous. They currently have there the Yin Yu Tang house which, in case you don't know, is a 200 yr old house from Huang Cun in China. It was bought over piece by piece and then re built at the museum. It was truly fascinating and you can check it out here
Lily and Her Auntie Shell

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Lily looking pretty cocky at the fact that her and Daddy have walked far out on the rocks!

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Lily hard at work in Fran's office.Actually that would be DR Curtains office or at least he thinks it is but if you ask Fran it is her office. LOL

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Lily and Jacob trying to scare all of the Seagulls off of the beach. Guess what? They were not successful those birds are even more cocky than Lil!
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Lily and Silly Auntie Shell. Shell how come your mother dodged all the camera lenses? Send me a candid one if her and I'll post it!

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21 Aug 2007
This, That, The Other And My Brother.
According to Lily Kindergarten is very tiring and you are only allowed one drink of water! So if you were wondering, now you know. She loved it and loves everything about it and cannot wait until tomorrow when we have to drop her at the gate and not walk her to her classroom. That is when she thinks she will really be a big girl. Little does she know I will be standing by the gate with some super strength binoculars spying on her. Bunny spent the day with her hidden away in her back pack but today he had to stay home cos he is being home schooled.
I just have a couple more photos from the old country to share. Actually I have hundreds that I would love to share but I just want to post a couple more. Lilys cousin let her use her dolls pram for her bunny so one afternoon I put on my game face and let her walk around the town with it. She is the worst driver, she actually rammed it in to a parked car (yikes) and at one point Bunny actually got tipped out! Great big sister this one will be! Here is a little video peek.
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After our very long walk Lily rolled home down the hills. She thought it was great and I used to do the same thing.
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Lily and Uncle Colin

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Reading her a fairy story. And changing all the words so that we were hysterical.

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After Lily went to bed the party really got going and from this point on the photos get worse and "worser".
We 3 sibs. Notice that I look sober!

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Colin, you asked for these photos to appear so you have only safe to blame. (You know I am loving this power trip I am on)
My big bruv, trying to appear taller that his dad. Not working.

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Seriously Col' what is with that face? Jon looks Ok but you, not so much!

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It is 2.00am and the whole gang was a little worse for wear but we only get together once or twice a year and my parents are truly fabulous hosts.

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I just have a couple more photos from the old country to share. Actually I have hundreds that I would love to share but I just want to post a couple more. Lilys cousin let her use her dolls pram for her bunny so one afternoon I put on my game face and let her walk around the town with it. She is the worst driver, she actually rammed it in to a parked car (yikes) and at one point Bunny actually got tipped out! Great big sister this one will be! Here is a little video peek.
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After our very long walk Lily rolled home down the hills. She thought it was great and I used to do the same thing.
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Lily and Uncle Colin

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Reading her a fairy story. And changing all the words so that we were hysterical.

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After Lily went to bed the party really got going and from this point on the photos get worse and "worser".
We 3 sibs. Notice that I look sober!

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Colin, you asked for these photos to appear so you have only safe to blame. (You know I am loving this power trip I am on)
My big bruv, trying to appear taller that his dad. Not working.

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Seriously Col' what is with that face? Jon looks Ok but you, not so much!

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It is 2.00am and the whole gang was a little worse for wear but we only get together once or twice a year and my parents are truly fabulous hosts.

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20 Aug 2007
How Did This Happen ?
Today our little girl, our baby, my schnoogie started Kindergarten. I have no idea how this could have happened because I swear 5 minutes ago we were boarding a plane to China to finally bring her home.
She was so excited and felt so big. We are so thankful that she is excited as my neighbours little girl started to cry yesterday cos she doesn't want to go to school and that would kill me. Miss Lil is even excited at the prospect of homework...... hmmmm, I wonder how long that will last.

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In her classroom and ready to learn.

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I shall return to the holiday photos tomorrow. My brother is requesting I be kind! Yeah RIGHT, you have always had the upper hand as you were always the big brother so let me revel in the power...bwa ha ha ha
She was so excited and felt so big. We are so thankful that she is excited as my neighbours little girl started to cry yesterday cos she doesn't want to go to school and that would kill me. Miss Lil is even excited at the prospect of homework...... hmmmm, I wonder how long that will last.

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In her classroom and ready to learn.

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I shall return to the holiday photos tomorrow. My brother is requesting I be kind! Yeah RIGHT, you have always had the upper hand as you were always the big brother so let me revel in the power...bwa ha ha ha
18 Aug 2007
More From Jolly Old England
One of the most fun days we have ever had was spent at Woburn Safari Park. I have been many many times and Jacob has been once before but lily had never been and she was thrilled with the place. You drive your car around the park and the animals are roaming free. It gets a little nerve wrecking when Rhinos start heading straight towards your car but once you get into the monkey area it is nothing but side splitting fun. Jacob happened to have the video camera rolling when the first monkey jumped on our car.
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We ended up with a total of 16 monkeys on our car and Lily was just as excited each time.

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Paddling the swan boats with Lily at the helm.......heaven help us.
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Another day we spent down at the river in a dinghy. This actual dinghy belonged to me when I was just a tyke. None of my cousins could believe it was still OK since we spent so many hours in it having rough fun. Thank you Uncle John for keeping it Lily loved it.
The temperature of the water was the same as the water here in the middle of our winter, needless to say we were frozen. I cannot believe that my little Florida boy of a hubby actually got in it.

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A family gathering minus my father who ran for the hills of Scotland for 2 days to catch us a salmon for our dinner.

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We went to the Cadbury Chocolate factory and look at this they even make shoes out of chocolate...I thought I had died and gone to heaven!

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Lily and Heather with the chocolate bean

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The crazy girls eating ice cream at the chocolate factory.

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Cadbury World as it is called was fabby as they gave out loads and loads of chokky the whole time.
Tomorrow I will post the nutty family shots and most of them will be of my brother who kept saying, take one of me to put on your blog. He will regret asking I assure you cos I have some taken at 2.00am and he not looky so good!
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We ended up with a total of 16 monkeys on our car and Lily was just as excited each time.

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Paddling the swan boats with Lily at the helm.......heaven help us.
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Another day we spent down at the river in a dinghy. This actual dinghy belonged to me when I was just a tyke. None of my cousins could believe it was still OK since we spent so many hours in it having rough fun. Thank you Uncle John for keeping it Lily loved it.
The temperature of the water was the same as the water here in the middle of our winter, needless to say we were frozen. I cannot believe that my little Florida boy of a hubby actually got in it.

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A family gathering minus my father who ran for the hills of Scotland for 2 days to catch us a salmon for our dinner.

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We went to the Cadbury Chocolate factory and look at this they even make shoes out of chocolate...I thought I had died and gone to heaven!

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Lily and Heather with the chocolate bean

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The crazy girls eating ice cream at the chocolate factory.

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Cadbury World as it is called was fabby as they gave out loads and loads of chokky the whole time.
Tomorrow I will post the nutty family shots and most of them will be of my brother who kept saying, take one of me to put on your blog. He will regret asking I assure you cos I have some taken at 2.00am and he not looky so good!
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