We went back to Emberton Park this afternoon and walked to it again. It is quite a hike from the house but it is a lovely walk and quite a nature walk. We saw a swan sitting on her nest and her signets had hatched this morning, Lily caught a butterfly that she carried all the way home, we saw wildflowers to numerous to mention, we saw, Canada Geese, mallards, and many other birds and the list goes on and on.
The area of the park we played at today was the play area with the huge slide and then we headed to the gravel pit with the rope and pulley system. The girls would have spent hours there had we not had a 40 minute walk home for our tea.
23 years ago tomorrow Jacob and I were married in this church. We walked passed it on our way to the park and the picture came out really well
On our way home
Gravel Pit