29 Jun 2010

A Lily Day

Today I took the girls up to see one of my friends who owns a livery yard. Lily hasn't ridden a horse in over a week and she is starting to get some sort of withdrawal so I knew the next best thing was a trip to see Julie. Lily wasn't able to ride but she was able to get a horse fix which appears to have helped a lot and if we don't get down to see my cousin Stephen in the next few days I do at least have the name of a place close by where she can ride.
She always rides when we are here so it is just a matter of time but she is starting to bug me about it and I promised her she would.
The farrier happened to be their at the same time as us and he gave Lily a pair of shoes to take home with her and as she was standing next to the Thoroughbred who they belonged to for a photograph she moved her hoof and came she right down on Lily's foot. Unfortunately Lily was wearing Cr0c's. It could have been a lot worse but Lily's heel is purple tonight but in true Lily style she did not let on how much it hurt. Lily is so proud of her shoes and in some irony once we realised Lily was OK we turned around to see that the horse was standing on Lily's pink Cr0c and it looked just as if she was wearing her shoe.

The Farrier sterilizing the horseshoes so that we can bring them back into the country

Lily so proud of her shoes
Lily with "First In Show"
"First In Show" right before treading on Lil's foot.

The hooded horses....but I'm not sure why
Oh that familiar smile
these horses were huge but was she nervous? No!


Vivian M said...

Lily is in her element around horses, she looks so happy! Hope her foot heals quickly. :o(

Maci Miller said...

Lily is so great with horses! What a great kid to be so loving and attune with animals like that. She looks so happy with them, too. You can how happy and at ease she is!


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