It is always fun until someone gets hurt. Did your parents say that all the time? Mine did and they were right!
Yesterday we went to
Attitash and rode the alpine slide. Jacob really wanted to do this with Lily as he had gone there when he was just a tyke and wanted to go back with his
Just as we were arriving Rosie fell asleep in the car so I let the others go off without me and once Rosie woke up we joined the fun. By this time Lily and Jacob had gone on the slide 3 times and were quite expert. Lily was a hair to short to have her own toboggan so she had to ride with Jacob and Rosie was allowed to ride with one of us also. You go up the mountain in a ski lift and once at the top you slide down. The ski lift got me a little
jiggy. I am an adventure seeker but having 2 little one puts thing into perspective and as I was freaking out and making sure Lily was holding on with both hands her and Jacob were making fun of me!
After we got to the top and got our toboggans we headed down the slide. I went with Rosie, rather slowly, as these sleds reach speeds of 40 mph. She giggled the whole way down and it was great fun. Jacob and Lily were waiting at the bottom chanting, slow poke!
We went again and this time Lily wanted to take me down. Jacob said to let her drive cos she was very good at it and they told me to not tell her to slow down. (Bad Move) So off we went again.
Before I go any further let me show you some pictures of the fun!
Going up!

The slow pokes

The speed demons

Now as you know Andie is with us and she chose to bow out of the fun and sit in the sun listening to her
ip0d instead.
If you are squeamish stop here because I am going into detail and showing some
piccies of my trooper.
Lily and I climbed on the toboggan with her in the drivers seat and me in the back. She took off like a bat out of hell and I screamed slow down, she was scaring the pants off of me. We took the first bend way to fast and before I knew it we were heading into the second turn. I was screaming again and she was laughing when suddenly our sled flipped over and we were airborne. We landed hard and she landed on her face, my cheek whacked the fibreglass and I really felt it but i needed to get to Lily. When we flipped were travelling between 30 and 40 mph and now were were sliding on our skin! Lily was face down and I was trying to lift her face up. I couldn't reach her and it was killing me. Somehow we finally stopped and she looked at me and said. "why did you do this to us?" I nearly cried right there and right then. My baby girls face was all bloody and she was screaming. I ripped her off off the slide grabbed the sled out of the way and waited a few seconds for Jacob. His face, now as I look back, was priceless, his baby and
wifey wrecked, and he is barrelling towards us with Rosie in his lap. I grabbed Rosie from him, placed Lily in his arms and told him to get her to the medics, FAST. I then put our sled back on the track put Rosie in my lap and we went as fast as I dared to the bottom where Andie stood with her mouth wide open pointing to the first aid area. I ran like hell to get to Lily.
Once in the medic area they started to work on Lily. Everything is superficial her face is wrecked, her elbows and knees have no skin left and somehow she cut open her ear...that part remains the mystery. The chap was very gentle with her but dear lord did it hurt. She was so brave. Her lips were swelling but it appeared her teeth were intact. After an eternity her and I hobbled out of the tent. At one point she looked at me and said, Mummy, you have a big hole in your shirt. It relieved
alot of tension and we all cracked up. I don't have any skin on one knee ditto my right elbow. My elbow has 3 burns on it where you can clearly see how I was changing positions to try and get to Lily. My hand got messed up but compared to Lily it is a piece of cake.
Once we were all recovered Jacob decided he needed to get rid of some tension and he wanted one more go, by himself so he took off again and we headed to the car. To make a long story short when he finally arrived back at the car I walked out to meet him and noticed his shirt was ripped, his jeans were filthy and ripped and he was bleeding.
EGADS he had wrecked too! Lots of burns but he is fine. We have lots of clothes to throw away now and on the way back home we saw an outlet mall so Jacob took Lily into
mboree to buy her any dress she wanted, to make her feel better. What a guy!
Here she is all battered and bruised. These were taken this morning after her bath. The ones from yesterday are a bit grim for public viewing. I am just glad that I always travel with my trusty
Germolene. (My Canadian readers might know what it is, my family does and all my US friends are now addicted to it also. It is an ointment for cuts, burns, bites, etc for the UK and I cannot live without it is a miracle worker.) Andie just bought me 2 tubes with her and laughed that we have used one already this trip with all the calamities so she will post me another.

It really is all fun until someone gets hurt!
I loaded her up with M0
trin last night and she was fine. Her bath freaked her out big time but she was OK and she is doing much better now. We leave the North East tomorrow, some might say it is a good thing. We are going to miss the Aunties an awful lot. We will Miss Andie too much, cos for a change she isn't coming home with us. Today we are just staying safe! Well that is the plan, wish us luck.