2 Jun 2009

From The Mouth Of Lily

On Friday evenings after I tuck Rosie into bed Lily and I have some special time together. Sometimes we play board games, or I give her mani's and pedi's, we bake cookies or watch movies, anything that lumps us together without her little sister. Last Friday she wanted to watch a movie and more specifically, she wanted her Gotcha Day movie. She has seen it countless times but we haven't watched it for a long time as she has been more interested in Rosies Gotcha Day movie of late.

As soon as the movie started so did the barrage of questions and comments.
Wow Mummy you were as skinny as a super model back then.
Daddy was fat then.
And on and on she went but the two classics that I never want to forget are these:

As she is watching the crowded room filled with nannies and wailing babies she spotted her orphanage director and this conversation took place:

(Lily) Mrs Li looks just like Teresa
(Me) Teresa who?
(Lily) Teresa from Chinese class, James' Mommy.
(Me) No she doesn't, they don't look anything alike.
(Lily) Yes they do, all Chinese people look the same apart from Rose and Father Joe.
I laughed so hard at this. Lily has to be the only Asian person that thinks they all look alike!

And her next classic for the night was when she was watching her get her very first bath. She was still very scared and was non verbal and just going through the motions. We had explained to her why she was feeling the way she was and she understood and this is her take on it all:
(Lily) Mummy I think I was hoping I was just being rented out for the day by the orphanage and that I was not going to have to stay with you and Daddy forever.

I have said it before and I will say it again...this kid of mine is smart.
Lily Cope, I love you so very much.

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