First off does anyone suffer from, irritable bowel syndrome? If yes, PLEASE send me an email or leave it in the comments section, whichever you prefer and tell me what medications have worked for you, what is your best advice and what is simply the worst thing you have tried that had no effect what so ever. If you have some miracle, prescribed or otherwise please share cos I have a family member who needs some help. Thank you so much.
Talking of poop: I had heard other parents talking about diaper blowouts but had never had the misfortune of experiencing one first hand. Holy smoke Batwoman, now I see what all the fuss is about! Miss Rose has had an upset tummy and let me tell you, it ain't pretty. Lily and Jacob have both thrown up this week due to Rosie's' misfortune. (wimps)
I took Lily with me grocery shopping this week and as always when we got home I reversed into the driveway. The following conversation ensued:
Lily: Mummy, what are you doing?
Me: Uh, reversing into the driveway.
Lily: Oh this is going to be bad I can just tell.
Me: What do you mean?
Lily: You are really bad at driving backwards. Can you just let me get out so I can go in the house with Daddy.
I let her out and then burst into fits of laughter. She knows me so well. The joke between Jacob and I is that the "R" on my gear stick means Ruh Roh and not reverse!
Tonight when I put Lily to bed she came down stairs a few minutes later and asked if I could please turn up the A/C. She told me that she likes to have Bunny's head out of the covers but it was so blowy that his ears were getting cold.
An yet another classic from Lily this week:
Rosie is Red
Her skin is pink
And the good Lord knows
Her diapers STINK
Yes I know it isn't very politically correct but for a 5 yr old it is very good and I have to say I think it is hilarious. I wonder how she comes up with this stuff? Life is never dull.
Now on to Rosie Posey. She understands way to much! She will do A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G for a grape! She speaks quite a bit of Chinese and now I am so glad that I have been struggling through Mandarin lessons with Lily for the past year. Occasionally I can understand what she is saying if it is really obvious. Yesterday she saw a dog and got very excited and kept saying G G G. Gou is dog. So I was able to figure it out. She also says "I want" in Chinese and then points or takes you to whatever it is. She knows, Itsy Bitsy Spider and loves to wash him out. She does the finger parts, kind of. She says YeYe for Lily, Rosie or Ro Ro for Rose and says Mama and Dada but she calls the fridge or any other objects mama and dada but she says them when she sees us to. She says Hi very clearly to everyone she knows. When we walk in the house she always squeals Hi. She says Thank you in Chinese but not very often. She has now figured out how to pucker up but still gives us the big wet French kisses. I love 'em.
My foodie is no longer a foodie and has done a complete turnaround. Now the child won't eat anything at all. I am not used to picky eaters so any advice would be welcome. This isn't just the last few days this has been a couple of weeks. It's a pain.
Jacob put in his transfer papers for Georgia this week. WOO HOO. The woohoo part was very short lived cos when they came back to us we found out he is number 43 on the list waiting to transfer to GA. This sucks like a Dyson! Now we are heading back to the drawing board and starting from scratch on our relocation list. Hum drum. If his company does one little thing we we will still be heading there but if not we will be looking for a different state. It has to be on the East coast cos I need to be able to get home (England) ASAP otherwise we would be moving clear across the country to Washington.
And finally our good friends lost one of their dogs this week very suddenly and unexpectedly. I had mentioned her many months ago as she was an amazing dog. Shadow was a therapy dog and one of the most gentle creatures on this earth. Shadow allowed me to be afraid of her and waited for me to build up some courage and trust and then her and I became friends, good friends. She was in a terrible accident a couple of years ago and I actually massaged her jaw. I trusted her enough to not only touch her but to touch the part of her that I feared the most.....her jaws. I was scared to death the first time and scared she would notice my fear and my shaking hands but she didn't care. Everytime I went to the house I would spend time with her. One time she barked when I was in the room and I ran straight out the door, I didn't realise what I had done until R and S started to laugh, I was shaking from head to toe! She was a Doberman, the biggest Dobey I have ever seen. Shadow, you touched so many people especially all the little children at Miami Children's Hospital and you will be sorely missed. Shara, my heart goes out to you.
Oops, cant end on a sad note so let me think of something else silly that has happened here.
Rosie is always saying something that sounds just like, Bitchy, bitchy, bitchy now give me a beer. We have no idea what she is trying to say but we encourage her all the time cos it is just so funny (actually I am the only one that encourages her cos I think it is hilarious....bad mummy)
My Princess.....who claims to be over Princesses but still dresses up like one at least once a week.

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