19 Mar 2008

The Long Version

To Jacob and I it seems like forever ago that we started our journey to China. It was an easy decision for us but one that followed many years of heartache. We knew when we were married that we would be parents we just didn't know back then just how hard that would be for the 2 of us. After a few brief encounters with some fertility doctors we knew it would be virtually impossible for us to do this ourselves. Once the total shock and disbelief of that news wore off and we were able to pull ourselves up from the ground we quickly started to file paperwork to bring our daughter home from China.

We didn't tell to many people about our decision. I told all of my family and they were fantastic about it. In fact I can't imagine going through what we went through without every single one of them, and there is a lot of them, on board. As the months ticked by I would keep everyone posted. My mum would send me articles from the papers, my sister was gathering a book collection, my cousins kept asking when and my dad was just there to listen. To all of them, we thank you. Thank you doesn't really cut it because without you all this journey would have been terribly lonely and sad.

When you adopt from China the Chinese government chooses the right child for you. I can not explain to those of you who haven't adopted just how they match the correct child to you but they do. Every single adoptive parent will tell you that there is no better child in the world for them and that they got the perfect match. How do you explain to someone that this is YOUR child and that she just happened to be born on the other side of the world? Sadly adoption is still often viewed as a pathetic second best and this "sympathy" enrages me. Just for the record I would like to say to all the people that have said,"now that you've adopted you will probably have your own now", Lily is my own and so is Rose. They may not be flesh of our flesh, nor blood of our blood but they are our heart and soul. And also for the record, if there was even an iota of a chance that I could become pregnant I would have my tubes tied because from the bottom of my heart I can tell you that my children are born in China, they grow in our heart and not in my stomach and being pregnant to me is now a nightmare and not the dream it once was. ( Rant Over)

Jacob held Lily in his arms for approximately 30 seconds before announcing we would be adopting again. I was still a little numb from becoming a mummy after such a long time and dismissed his comment. But he was right and 2 years later we started the process all over again. We waited and waited and grew tired and frustrated and then waited some more. We perused the waiting child lists that our agency sends us every Friday but after getting our hearts trodden on one time very early on we backed, actually, ran away from them. Our child was out there and we just needed to wait to be matched with her. Another year passed by and we decided to check out the list again. We found Nan, Qi Min. We knew she was ours. She evoked all the same emotions that Lily had done a few years earlier and we were in love. You know the rest of this story about how we had to beat out 4 other families to prove she was ours and we did it. Rosie. as she has become, was not matched with our family, we picked her. She is the perfect child for this family, the perfect baby sister to Lily and the perfect, granddaughter, niece and cousin to her extended family. Everyone stood by us and cheered us on. My father and his wife knew from the second that we decided to seek special needs exactly what we were doing and what conditions we would accept. Again they were right there.

The red thread led us to Rosie and to Lily before her. Our girls are just that, our girls. They were adopted, they aren't now. Now they are just Lily and Rose, 2 sisters building a friendship through love. Two girls with a mum and a dad just like most of their friends. They are no different than anyone else and if you think they are just ask them and Lily will set you straight in a heart beat. We have already had the, "are they real sisters?" comment. WTF? Both times this question has been asked in front of them. I think this insensitivity is downright cruel. Are they going to grow up thinking they are pretend sisters cos everyone asks if they are real? URGHHH, people are stupid and stupid people suck. I still haven't figured out how to deal with this comment when Lily presents me with a question but to the people that ask I say yes, they have the same parents so that makes them siblings. Then I want to add a laundry list of profanity but I don't I just seethe on the inside.

I was scared that somehow we would "break' Lily by bringing her a sibling but all that has happened is that she has grown. Grown so much and made us even prouder. She cares for Rosie and loves her so much. Tonight she said that Rosie is the most fun that she has ever had (I think this was when Rosie was accessorising with her broccoli during dinner.) Rosie has brought out a whole new side of Lily a side that makes me love her even more and I really didn't think that was possible.

If you are still waiting for your child, hang in there and soon you will be hit by a love that you never knew you were capable of having. If you are an adoptive parent already, you get this and if you are not an adoptive parent and you are reading this, please think before you hit us with your barrage of questions. These are our children, yes, our children and we love them and will do anything to protect them from nosey insensitive comments.

Okay , well it seems like I had a few things to say but I feel all better now and regular programming will resume shortly.


April said...

I LOVE this post. People act as though we are being cheated out of something when we say we are adopting. What...are they crazy I wouldn't change this for the world..okay if I could hit fast forward just a tich that would be the only change.

I have thought ever since you held Rose in your arms for the first time...she couldn't be anymore perfect for your family. Even more now that I see how she is just as funny and wacky as the rest of the family! I really love watching your family you make me LOL and I love it!

Nikki said...

Amen, amen, and amen! I hear ya and I feel ya!
Wouldn't trade my sweet girl for 100 babies from my belly!
God knows what He's doing when He forms our families...glad you are lovin' life as a family of four. I do hope to join you in that joy someday!

Special K said...

I chose adoption. It was my first choice. I don't know if I'm fertile and able to bear children. And I don't care if I ever find out. Because I know in my heart that my daughter is in China.
(But I'm a little tired of waiting for her. LOL!)

I can't wait to get hit with that love. In fact, I hope it runs me over like a Mack truck. :)
This was a great post. Thanks...

Life with JJ, Starr and Spice said...

Great post my friend. I know that we have had this discussion before and believe me I have heard these comments waaay to many times already. When I say that they are brother and sister I usually get..."I mean are they REALLY brother and sister?) So far they are too young to get it but I always reinforce that yes they are and just walk away from the stupid clods.

My three children (one born to me and two that were not) are the most precious part of mine and Marc's lives and nothing or no one will ever minimize what they mean to us. I feel truly sorry for people who have never been able to experience for themselves the divine matches that are created through adoption.

Huge hugs!

Janet said...

That was a GREAT post! I already have people asking if our children are "real" brother and sister. Ummm....YES! Just like they are our REAL children!!!!!!

Truthfully, adoption WAS our second choice. We couldn't have any more children. BUt how can I explain to people that now I GET it. THIS is what God had in store for me!!!!? How can I explain how eternally grateful I am that He chose this wonderful path for us? It's just...well, unexplainable! :-)

I can not describe it, but my babies from Africa are OUR children. Just as much as my other ones. I only hope that others will understand that as well. I guess that's why I love the adoption community SO much. They get it. YOU get it. I love that.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing post. It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing your experience in such a pround way.

JMo (a waiting first-time mom to be)

holly m. said...

I love the sound of parents who LOVE their babes!! I look so forward to hearing about your two "Flowers" as they bloom and grow! :)

Buckeyes & Eggrolls said...

What an amazing post! I totally agree with every word you wrote. I have biological children and I'm hear to tell you that I feel no differently about Maddy than I do about them. I love her from the very core of my being! She brings joy to my heart when she learns new things and even sometimes when she is a little bit sassy. It matters not that she was born half way around the world. God brought her to us and we are so very lucky to have her!!!!

Dannye said...

this post is so touching, so accurate, so depicts what others feel....thank you for putting it into such eloquent words!!

love you!!

3D said...

You are no longer allowed to write those types of posts. I am at work (shhh!) and all crying and weepy. Thank you for sharing that. You and your family give me hope and a vision to work towards.

Keep smilin!

Briana's Mom said...

This is a wonderful post. Briana is my child - she was meant to be in my life. You are right, I don't know how China matches someone with the perfect child, but they do.

Patricia/NYC said...

PERFECTLY said!!! Brava!!!


Anonymous said...

Dawn,My little sis. how i love you more and more.Love Colin [am so proud] xxx

Tammie said...

Well said! I applaud this post rather loudly.

David & I knew before we even got engaged that there was little to no chance of having bio children. Adoption was the only way to complete our family. Not just adoption but international adoption.

Each night since we brought Erin home, we have thanked each other & G-d above for the gift of our child.

As to the people who make those stupid (yes I mean stupid) comments, they just don't have a clue & will never be fortunate enough to have a clue.

Vivian M said...

We have learned to answer with a sense of humor. Usually I would say "sshhh, don't tell her father, he thinks she is his", or "yup, her father is Chinese but my husband isn't"...once I even told someone that our babies were switched at birth and since Kerri was cuter I kept her. You should see the looks I get!
Seriously, the comments annoyed me in the beginning, but we don't seem to get them anymore. Today at the hospital one of the nurses told us that Kerri looks alot like my sister because of her darker color hair. We just don't see anything but our daughter when we look at her, and she could not be more ours had we conceived and given birth to her.
Some people just don't get it, and I feel sorry for them. They have no idea what they are missing!

Pug Mama said...

this was a beautiful post.
It just amazes me what some people deem appropriate to ask. I guess this world takes all sorts to go around - the dumb asses included.
Answering the "are they real sisters?" question with, "of course. They have the same parents, don't they?" is brilliant!

We5Chois said...

Dawn - Way to Go Girl! I agree with every word you said. What an incredible post. I hope you have printed it off and kept in in the girls memory books. I know they will love to read it when they grow up.

Our children are our children - it truly is that simple! It doesn't matter how they came into the family, what matters most are they are our family. I am always surprised that no-one is ever confused at how much two non-biologically related people can love each other, marry and spend their whole lives together, yet when it comes to loving a child not born to you, it is somehow seen as second best. I love my kids (bio & adopted) just the same as I love my parents and my husband - with all my heart and all my might.
Rose and Lily have an awesome Mama and a great role model for the future.
I know what you mean about being so proud of Lily, it is an incredible sight to see our babies take on the role of older sibling - they stretch, bend, flex and grow to make room for their baby sib. I wish more people would understand how much they are giving to their child by having a sibling, no one loses, we all just gain.


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