It started this morning and as my, self imposed, to= do list grew, my black cloud just got bigger. I tried so hard to shake it. It's New Years Eve for heavens sake yet I felt none of the fun. I enrolled the girls to help me clean and sort. All extraneous items had to be removed from the house today. We loaded up lord knows what and dragged it to the charity shop. I'm quite sure tomorrow I'll be looking for half of it.
From there we went to the store for finger foods for our party tonight. As the time grew later I felt as much like throwing a party as I did like listening to the girls playing there musical instruments. I was really cranky.
After I bathed the girls I told Lily she could wear any one of her favourite dresses and helped Rosie chose one too. Lily casually asked if I was going to get dressed up too. Not bloody likely, was what I was about to say but instead I said, yes. With that I raced upstairs plugged in my flat iron with one hand and grabbed my make-up bag with the other. I pulled a little black dress out of my closet, ferreted about on the floor in my closet looking for some heels, threw myself head first into my jewellry box and then raced back into the bathroom to put on some lipstick. Lily chose red for me. As soon as I looked in the mirror my bad mood magically disappeared. Finally!
If only I had known it was so easy I would have put on some red lipstick earlier!
Since the girlies looked so pretty I took some photos of them. Actually Lily looks scary. She looks about 13. She has some hand me down dresses from Jakie. Jakies girls are really tiny so they wore these dresses when they were 12 and 13 but they fit Lily now and Lily is tiny for 9. I don't let her wear them out of the house as they are just to grown up for her but inside the house they are fine and she really looks smashing in them.

Rosie does not like wearing dresses but wanted one tonight. She made me laugh so much as she tried to pose like her sister. Lily is a natural, Ro Ro, not so much. Well not yet. And for that I am thankful!
We wish everyone a very happy new year. I hope that all your dreams come true and this is your best and favourite year ever.