24 Dec 2010

Christmas Eve

I love Christmas Eve, it is without a day my favourite day of the year. The girls are so excited, we have friends over for a huge meal, we act silly, we giggle and we play games. As the hours pass the excitement becomes palpable. This year was the same for all those reasons however there is one big difference this year: Lily no longer believes....gasp, sputter, cry. A kid in her class told all of them that Santa was not real. With that information planted in her head she pieced the rest together and came straight out and asked. I fluffed my way through the answer the first time but she become more persistent with her questioning and in the end I asked her exactly what she wanted to know and she told me. She said that Santa would have to be magic, reindeers cannot fly and no one can fly around the world in one night even with all the time zones. ( kidlet is too smart for her own good!)
So we sat and talked and she asked and I answered. I ended the conversation by telling her that somethings are just so much more fun if you make believe and that most grown ups still believe. She is skeptical that you can believe in something that you know isn't real.

This year Lily passed all the duties to her sister. She helped her and they even wrote notes together. Rosie picked the cookies and put some carrots outside for the Reindeer cos we don't want them coming inside cos they might poop. Then before we marched upstairs to bed we read Santa Mouse and The Night Before Christmas. Then I tucked one very sleepy girl into her bed and she was concerned that Santa might come upstairs. I told her he never does that. Lily told her to hurry up and go to sleep so that Santa could come. We had been tracking him all day on N0rad and knew he was getting close. They were thrilled when he went to Grandpa's house and we were able to see it on N0rad and saw the front of the house as if we were there.

So now the believers and the non-believers alike are sleeping and I need to get busy stuffing stockings and the like. Oh I love this day so much and tomorrow when they come down stairs it is I who nearly bursts from excitement.

Rosie and Caro playing earlier today. Rosie loves Carolina so much.
They are both inside the same shirt.
Dinner time
Santa's cookies
Lily's notes, one for the reindeer and one for the big guy himself.
Rosie's note, she even signed it at the bottom.

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope your day is your every dream come true.


Andie said...

It looks as if you had a wonderful time. The girls are all growing up so fast. Have a lovely Christmas Day.
Lots of love from Andie

Life frome where we are said...

Merry Christmas to you & your beautiful family!

Sniff, sniff she doesn't believe anymore!

Tammie said...

What a lovely way to spend Christmas Eve! Friends & family make any day special but there's a certain something when it comes to the holidays.

I hope I don't get to meet the monster who educated Lily about Santa. Why do people have to spoil the magic!? Erin spent this past week with Jolene & the girls. We both made sure that Erin didn't spoil the Santa thing. Jolene did such a great job, that now David & I have to fix it. Oh well. The magic remains - as it should.

Polar Bear said...

Reindeer poop - I never thought about that! We'll be leaving the carrots outside next year, too!!! :o)

It's so sad when there is that kid in class that spoils the magic.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all of you!!

S & Z


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