I have many conversations with myself about how I need to keep going so that I can document this or that and how much my family loves to read it but enough is enough. I make scrapbooks and every single detail of their lives is written down. I have been postponing this post and have written it at least 10 times but now I am just going to do it and hit publish.
Lily is getting bigger and I really believe that it should be her choice as to whether her photos are sprawled across the web and not mine.
For those of you who are still waiting, I wish you a peace as you continue this gruelling journey.
Lily turns 6 at the beginning of June and we are heading up to Orlando to celebrate her birthday. If any of you would like to meet up with us on Sunday June 7th just send me an email and we can have a blogger bash....even though technically I will no longer be a blogger.
I could continue to ramble on and on because inside I actually feel guilty about this decision as I know that so many of you who are waiting love to see families that are already home but in my heart I know it is the right thing for us, and that is what matters more than anything to me.
I will leave you with one last photo of the girls. They were snuggled up together just before bed and each one is holding her Bunny.

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I have failed to get a photo of the 4 of us together, at least one that I like so I shall leave you with a picture of the 4 of us that Lily drew just after we came home. I love it so much I have it on the wall. Jacob and Rosie have the same hairdo's, Lily and Rose are in matching outfits and I even have a fringe. The details and colours are wonderful, it just screams, Happy Family.

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And one last thing: to my family, we love you and thank you for all of your support through the good times and the bad of what was the longest wait of our lives.
Much love
Jacob, Dawn, Lily and Rose.
I will end with a flourish and say........
And they all lived happily ever after.
The End.