We re-filed for our i-600a today and Jacob had to fill out the forms as he is a citizen of this country unlike myself. Now Jacob remains calm under every circumstance known to man with the exception of something to do with Lily where she is hurt or sick, or as I learnt last time we filled this form out, filing forms with UCIS. So I joked with him to get it right and we started. Well wouldn't you know it by the 2nd line he had screwed it up so back to the printer for a new form. Off we go again and whammo, this time we made it to line number 5 before he screwed that form up too. At this point I decided to fill it out and just have him sign it. Well what do you know, the first q' was his name and I entered it backwards so it was back to the drawing board again. Yes we did finally get it but not before laughing uncontrollably at our incompetence. And to think, they allow us to adopt........odd, very odd!
We are not good parents to pets. Our tadpoles all died this week. We had special ceremonies for all of them and then flushed them down the loo with Lily having that honour after she said a little prayer. It was really cute. She thinks they have gone to be in fish heaven and that they will meet Nemo. We have one that turned into a frog and he is swimming around in his new digs very happily, or at least he was last time I checked.
Lily and I went bike riding tonight and she is doing really well and only occasionally falls off now. When she landed in a heap tonight she asked me to take her knee pad off and she immediately put it on backwards on her calf. I was somewhat perplexed until she explained that when she falls off the pedal whacks her in the calf and it hurts more than bashing her knee. Clever kid this one.
I have been accused most of my married life of living in Dawnland. It's a nice place to live as everyone is kind and sweet and nobody would ever take advantage of you or even think of being mean. My sisters hubby used to say that she lived in Sallyland so maybe it is a family trait. I live in the moment and sometimes I don't think things through as I am caught in the moment. For example I noticed the other day that our tile floor is looking a bit grim in the grout department and instead of being antique white grout it is starting to look like antique underwear. I was contemplating the best way to clean it and had this absolute brain wave. I would use the pressure cleaner. Yeah yeah smarty pants, I realize now that it was an atrocious idea but for that minute it seemed like the perfect solution. Thankfully Jakey was home and roared with laughter at my Einstein idea and then I came back to the real world. So I was wondering if anyone else suffers from their own world syndrome.. That isn't the worst thing I have ever done, the worst would be the time I spray painted Jakeys Harley Davidson by mistake. I will confess the tale as long as you guys share your stupid stories too.
Oh and one other little tiny thing. I have always known I have OCD tendancies but yesterday I got my hair cut and it now has loads of layers and it is making me bonkers. I used to be able to keep my hair perfectly straight with a blow dryer but now it has all these bits that misbehave and wave all over the place. My symmetrical, well behaved hair is no more and I can't deal with it. ARGHHHH, I need order on my head not bedlam.
Thanks for the ramblings/ it is fun to get a little look into your day to day.
Glad you finally got the form filled out correctly. I remember all the paperwork making me crazy too.
As far as living in Nikkiworld? I will have to ask my hubby for a good story, and then I shall return.
Even your rambling posts crack me up!
I am surprised Jake is still talking to you after SPRAY PAINTING HIS CYCLE! Yikes...spill the details!
Keep smilin!
yup bad bad parents (poor tadpoles, but at least they had funeral ceremonies, hehehe bet that was a hoot), you spray painted a Harley, now that is a huge sin, any other bike but a Harley would have been okay, but man oh man....
P.S. I just about fell off my chair laughing, I don't usually care one way or the other about celebrities and their "lives" but this one kills me, OJ is now claiming to be the father of Anna Nicole's baby, give me a break (eyes rolling over here)
Spray painted the Harley and you live to tell about it!?!? You have to tell that story.
I know what you mean about the hair and wild layers. Mine is doing the same thing. I am much more particular about blowing it dry now. It is CRAZY!
Lily is so funny! Very smart to turn the knee pad around.
I am sure that I have had many Stacyland moments. I will just have to think for a little while.
Have a Great Day!
Oh you make me laugh - just ask my hairdresser - she says I will have the same haircut forever since I can't attain the "messy" look - it's my OCD as well!!!!!
Just let it all out girl! That's what we're here for.
So sorry about the unfortunate circumstances for the tadpoles:(
And I totally have those annoying things in my hair, too!
OMgosh you crack me up. I can't believe you spray painted the Harley. That's a deal breaker isn't it!! LOL!!
We need details about the Harley...
Poor Tadpoles...the frog would have probably eaten them anyway!!
Loved hearing the little tid-bits.
Congrats to Lily for progressing on the bike-riding thing. I remember it took me awhile and I got frusterated very easy. It is though a hard thing to accomplish. It's great she's doing so well. I'm also glad you finally got that form filled out correctly. Gosh you two crack me up! Sounds like something I would have done. lol! :) Well have a great weekend and continue to keep us posted! Hugs...
You are so funny.... you are one of my most favorite blogs to come too. We have been so busy here....I just told a friend at lunch today that for the most part, I am in my own little world with the kids and my computer.....sigh.....so much for a red sports car when I turn 40! lol
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