20 Mar 2013

If the cap fits

It's absolutely no secret how I feel about some of the awards that are handed out at schools these days, I think they are ridiculous. We are raising a society of wimps who think they deserve medals just for being born....get over yourself whiney butt.

Lily received a character recognition award today for her, Pursuit of Excellence. Okay I can see that one it's actually honourable. Kidlet does pursue excellence in all that she does. Last month she won a similar award for honesty. Oh dear, was my first thought as she is yet to learn the concept of filtering so she is extremely honest, perhaps to a fault.

 Well done pickle, keep up the hardwork, you make me so, so proud.
 P.S. that cast looks a whole lot better since your friends got to it.

Please send us some positive ju ju, tomorrow is the MRI and I really want good news for her. She is being such a good sport about it all but 10 weeks......can'tgothere.


Life frome where we are said...

Sending good vibes your way! Love the colorful decor on the cast!

Vivian M said...

The cast looks pretty with all the colors! And way to go Lily on your award - I think it's awesome!

Tammie said...

Pursuit of excellence? Yea! Now that's an award worthy of Lily!


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