16 Jun 2012

Summer loves and not so much

Summer loves

I absolutely love the fact that the girls are out of school. I love that if they are involved in something late in the day I don't have to rush them off to bed half way through it. The next morning I don't have to wake them up, they can just sleep until they are ready to wake up and Lily has finally reached the age where she will sleep later than 6.00am.

I love that when I get home from work at lunch time, the world is our oyster. Whatever wind blows we can flow with it. (sheesh I just sounded like a flower child)

Almost every day we are in the pool at some point. We have fun in the pool. I am not a sit on a chair and spectate kind of Mummy, I'm all about the fun but don't splash me until I have submerged myself.

Trips out for frozen lemonade. It just wouldn't be summer without AC's Icees. It has to be A.C.'s nobody elses will suffice.

Jakie and the girls enjoying frozen lemonade

I love that we can spend time with friends doing fun stuff. I love that we go take day trips and road trips on a whim. I love watching the girls play together. The more time they spend together the better they get along.
eating lunch in a camp that they made.
Most of all I love the freedom that summer offers.

 My list of summer not so much's is really short.

 I detest the heat. Oh help me, it's like living in a fire pit, no make that an armpit of a Miami Heat player...it's hot, sticky and disgusting.

Next on the list: Mosquitoes. Not a nice way to say this, I hate 'em. Yesterday we had to go somewhere that was outside. I didn't think that in the middle of the day the mossy's would be a problem. They were. I had changed purses for the occasion and didn't have my barrage of mossy haters with me. Lily got 27 bites in about as many minutes. Rosie got 6. Big yuck .
  I'm just so happy to have the girls about all the time with no place to go and no schedule to keep with military precision.


Andie said...

I'm with you on the mosquitos. I have to wear insect repellant to work, all day every day. The other day I went for a walk and have over 30 bites, and that was with repellant on! The price has to be paid for tropical temperatures.

Vivian M said...

The mosquitos here are horrible! Kerri swells up terribly every time she gets bit. :o(
As for the heat - that is why I moved to Canada, lol!
The girls look lovely - they are growing up so fast. Enjoy the summer vacation!

Life frome where we are said...

Wow that's a lotta bites! The mosquitoes here are not that aggressive...a good dose of spray keeps them away.
Have a fun & happy summer dear "flower child"!


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