The group is in constant flux. People join, people leave. Kids get bigger and parents pull away as they have so many obligations with teenagers that they can no longer commit any time to the group but this one little band of parents always remain and it is so wonderful to see them and their children. I remember when we started attending functions that it felt sort of weird cos we were the newbies, now we are the old timers who strive to keep things going along with Hollis.
Today even the weather was perfect. We arrived at the park nice and early and got everything set up and slowly and I mean slowly but surely families started to join us and before long there were probably 20+ families all gathered together. One thing we always make sure we do is pass around a donation box. The kids love marching around thrusting the box into peoples business and asking for donations for Half the Sky. My father would have been proud of them all.
If fun can be measured by the dirt on my children suffice to say I had to wash Lily's face 3 times in the bath tonight before it was clean! They were absolutely filthy.
Good friends
Oh and we had a fabulous time as well. Jacob konked out a few minutes after we got home and he is still asleep. I would probably be asleep but someone bought the most amazing chocolate cookies that I have eaten and I ate my weight in them so I am a little hyper :O)
That is great you do wonderful for the kids to stay in touch like that!
What fun! Hope someone else steps up next year to help out. :o)
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