Last week Lily was chosen as "Student of the Month". This award has remained out of her grasp for many years. Nepotism comes to mind but that's a whole different story. Anyway, she was finally chosen for it and she was all proud of her little self. We were too.
The award ceremony took place this morning and I asked Richard if he would be so kind as to come along. He obliged. It means so much to both of them to have family staying with us. It's grandparents week at school this week and they are seriously sad that they can't participate so having Richie-Rich come to school this morning meant the world to her.
Two kids are chosen from every class and the character value for this month was respect. Lily and her bestie Adam were both chosen. Adam deserves a post all to himself because all we ever hear in this house is, Adam this and Adam that. I told his mum this morning that it's a good thing I really like her son as all I ever hear is his name. She replied, "likewise" and we both rolled our eyes and laughed.
Egads they are back...... better dash and hit publish.
She looks really proud. Lilipop we are really proud of you too. You have the toughest 4th grade teachers out there and you were able to prove yourself. You earned it, relish in the limelight.
Congrats to should be so proud!
You cannot beat happy families
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