My Grandma was a great cook, I actually loved everything she made, nearly everything. I think I acquired my sweet tooth because of her and that is just fine. I should add, I do love to eat sweet things. Give me veggies and dessert and all is right in my world. Growing up I remember my Grandma having all these dishes with bunnies on them, I loved them and quite often I was served my food on them. Each plate, bowl, cup and saucer had a different scene on it. You couldn't see what it was until you had finished your food. Clever idea.
Grandma died when I was still young and the dishes went somewhere. It wasn't until a few years ago that I found out that my uncle had them. Each time I went home he would say to me, "here, take some of these home with you, no one else will want them and Lily (no Rosie then) might like them". I was thrilled and yet daunted at the same time. How does one take dishes home in a suitcase? I found the answer to that, you use disposable diapers and wrap every single one in it's own. He also told me not to say a word to ANYONE. I have no idea why he would say this but I kept my promise to him and snuck them through my fathers house and upstairs to my room. When Uncle John died the decision was made that i would have all of the remaining Bunnykins. Cousin Andie bought over a suitcase full and the subsequent trips to England bought back the rest.
I now have about 60 pieces sitting in a cabinet. They are gorgeous and very old. As far as I can tell the youngest pieces are well roughly 50 years old and I think some of them are the originals. It seems a shame to keep them on a shelf so I decided recently that perhaps even my cooking would be more palatable if the kiddies got to eat their way down to the bunnies. I think it is working. HAH! Lots of clean plates now and lots of shrieks of delight when the girls get to uncover a fabulous painting each time they eat.
These photos are really bad, I took them last night at about 11p.m and somehow failed to publish the blog until now.
That little dude in the middle is Jiggy...he has a long story behind him.
I even think my cooking tastes better on these plates, it just might be the memories.
Plates would look better with some brown gravy in them. Anything with brown gravy is yummy
Love the nostalgia and the opportunity to pass those down to the next generation.
Keep smilin!
I remember my Aunt having some of those dishes.....what a great heirloom for Lly & Rosie!
A great heirloom. Lets hope they do not get chipped in daily usage. Look 'em up on .ebay, you will be shocked at the prices they fetch.xbb
What sweet dishes! How nice for them to be passed on to you with all the nice memories of your Grandma they bring.
I had to laugh at you not liking to eat. If Ruby wasn't sleeping beside me I might have blurted out loud "well THAT'S why she so dang skinny!" Now wondering if someone could hypnotize me to not like food...and wine. (hee hee) No. Would never happen. :-)
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