31 Mar 2011

We Owe You How Much? Oy!

We love the "0n Dem*nd" feature on our T.V., the kids love it too. Rosie particularly enjoys being able to watch that annoying little "D*ra the Explorer" whenever her heart desires. There are just 2 rules, you cannot turn on the telly unless Mummy or Daddy say's so and you cannot surf the channels. We pick what they watch.. We have had those channels blocked so if they are watching and start surfing, even though they aren't meant too, they can't get into trouble. We showed Rosie how to find her shows "0n Dem*and" and she loves the independence of doing it herself.

Yesterday the cable bill arrived. I do not deal with the bills, thankfully they are hubbies arena, so I plonked it on the island in the kitchen for him. He always checks the mail when he gets home. This morning I had an early client so he was in charge of the girls and getting them breakfast and off to school. Just as I was about to leave I noticed he was on the phone. I mouthed, "who are you talking to" and he pointed to the cable bill. I mouthed, "why?" and he pointed to the total. I tried to mouth "OMG" but feinted from shock instead.

We both knew this was a mistake and I fathomed out from the conversation that it was for movies we had been watching. Ha, we don't watch movies at all. I asked, what movies and he forwarded my question. Then he turned over the bill and there were the movies, all listed for our viewing pleasure. The list had only 2 movies on it and one was listed as being viewed only once. Why on earth would any body watch the same movie over and over and over and.....well you get it.

As Jacob was dealing with the credit I went into the living room and jokingly asked the girls which one of them had been ordering movies off of the telly. Lily looked up at me and said, "Rosie has, she has watched so and so over and over?" Say what, child of mine...I gave her a blank stare even though I was trying really hard to look intelligent.

The following conversation ensued:
Me: what are you saying?
Lily: Remember the other day when I was doing homework and she asked to watch D0ra and then she came up to us and said, this is appropriate for me. (she hasn't learnt the word inappropriate yet and so just says that) and you went and changed it for her?
Me: yes.
Lily: well they have changed the menu screen on Dem*and now when she pushes the same buttons it takes her to movies.
Me: What?
Lily: so she just does it over and over before she gives up and asks you to help her."

With that I ran back into the kitchen and tried to get Jacob to listen but I got the hand swat gesture. I waited until he hung up and then explained that Rosie had ordered them all!

Is it wrong that we couldn't stop laughing? Seriously we were hysterical, unable to breathe for laughing so hard. We looked at the bill and the times she ordered them and she would literally land on the channel get the wrong show, exit and head back immediately to try again. We got charged each and every time. If nothing else it appears our girl is persistent. My word we cracked up.

Hubby did the right thing and called them back and told them the whole story and now we are awaiting a credit. He also found out how to put a block on the pay movies so that Rosie can't do it again.

I went back to the living room and told Lily what had happened and how much the bill was. She looked at Rosie and very smoothly said, "hey Rosie, you better go and get you cheque book" I of course burst our laughing again and left Rosie sitting there with a blank expression on her face.

This afternoon Rosie started singing a jingle to some T.V. advert. I couldn't place it so I asked Lily what it was for and she said, "oh that's for Xfin1ty 0n Dema*nd". She had NEVER EVER done that before, ironic huh? I rang Jacob and told him and he laughed and said, "well she spent enough time watching their movies she probably heard it enough that she has it memorized".

So, Little Miss, no more ordering movies to the tune of $208.


Life frome where we are said...

I'm falling off my chair.....that is sooooo funny!!!

Joannah said...

Too funny! I'm so glad your television service will credit you for all that. :)

Tammie said...

Persistent little peanut you have there! You're so lucky that the cable company worked with you!

4D said...

That is a total hoot!

Keep smilin!

Liene said...

This is why we do not even allow the kiddos to touch the TV remote. If they want the channel changed when they are allowed to watch, they must come find us and the remote to have the channel changed to find something else to watch.

That is funny! Poor Rosie was just trying to watch TV!

Vivian M said...

I dread the day Kerri learns how to use the remote.

Maci Miller said...

omg that is funny. I think I am gonna keep Ruby away from the remote!


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