2 Jan 2011

Happy BIrthday Jacob

Today is Jacob's birthday and in honour of this auspicious occasion the City Of Coral G*bles threw him a parade again. (no, of course it wasn't actually for him silly it just coincided with his special day)

We started the day off quite slowly, the girls wanted to make daddy a cake this year so that is what we did. Since Jacob can't stand store bought frosting the only way he will enjoy his cake is if it is homemade. This afternoon we met up with our friends Richard and Shara for the parade. We have gone to this for the past 5 years and each time it has been in the evening, today however it was late afternoon. I liked it more today than ever before.

Waiting for the parade to start.
All of us.

Is this not the most beautiful horse you have ever seen?

One of the many marching bands
one of the floats

The Shriners in their funny cars
This half of a car was hilarious. The chap stopped in front of us and talked with us for a few mins. His car wouldn't go so he had to scoot it along with his leg until it got going again
The clown who soaked us, really soaked us.

Old Fire EngineStar Wars
Oops, I cut their heads off. These girls we really good.
The Florida Trail Riders. Every one of the horses was disguised as a different animal. They were really clever.
Here is the zebra
Here is the lion and behind it the giraffe.

Mr Junior Orange Bowl, himself

After the parade we all went out for an early dinner
Richard and Shara with the girls
Good looking family. He doesn't look a day older
Richard taught Lily some camera tricks.....she thought it was great fun.
Richard and Lily being silly with my little camera. I learnt alot though.

To finish off the day we came home and ate cake.
The birthday boy blowing out his candles...with a little help.

Happy Birthday Jacob. I hope you enjoyed your day.


Life frome where we are said...

Happy Birthday to Jacob!

Tammie said...

Gee. Jacob gets a parade & a birthday cake!? Lucky man! This year I get a piece of matzah. Yuck!

Maci Miller said...

Happy bday to Jacob! Looks like it was a wonderful day for him!

Vivian M said...

Happy belated birthday!


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