9 Jan 2011

Zoom Zoom Zoom

This year has started with a bang. The one day of a the week that I really put in some hours is Monday because Jacob is not at work so he watches the girls. This past Monday was nuts. Every single appointment turned into 2 and in one case 3. I finally got to eat my only meal of the day at 9.45 at night. The rest of the week followed suit and when I wasn't at work I was at the doctors office/s. Truly it was a great thing, the work part not the Dr.'s, I can do without them!

I also banged out my tax "stuff" for my accountant. Can I have a YEE HAW? This is truly amazing as I despise any sort of paperwork and being self employed I have a lot...really a mountain of the stuff. I have a habit of pretending none of paperwork has to be done until the 11th hour but not this year, oh no! I also found a storage container of old tax records dating back to '92 so when I wasn't at work or working out, or sorting out old stuff or spring cleaning or at the nasty doctors (she alone deserves her own post) I shredded every single last piece of extraneous paper I could find. I am feeling pretty darn good about life at this point.

We decided to end the week on a high note for the girls and gave them a sleepover. We didn't tell them about it and when I left for work yesterday morning they were clueless. I love surprising them. Once I got home they were begging to go to the park so Jacob finally revealed to them why they couldn't go. I think I am still deaf in one ear!

Anlei, Joie and Trevi arrived shortly after lunch yesterday and all five of them barely stopped chatting, laughing and playing for one second. They barely slept either but that isn't really the point of a sleepover. Someone really does need to find a more appropriate name for it than sleep-over. Perhaps unsleepover will suffice until someone comes up with something better.

They played to their little hearts content, they watched movies, they danced, they sang and they ate....alot. This morning they were up before the sun and stayed in bed watching the end of An*ie's Royal Adventure ( a sequel to the original An*ie ). The second the movie ended they were up and about. After breakfast I decided we needed to get out of the house so we walked to a nearby park. The girls and I love to ride our bikes or walk to it but this idea wasn't my best since none of them had had much sleep. By the time we got there they were tired. A quick drink and a snack and wouldn't you know it they were back at it again. In fact the sunshine and cooler temps filled them with so much energy that after an hour of playing we jogged home...all the way! Then they sat down for lunch and they ate like vultures.

Good times were had by all.

Last night watching Mama Mia (again) and eating popcorn. My girls won't touch popcorn they only eat it with chopsticks, sillibillies.

Needs no explanation
Rosie pushing Joie on the swing
These 2 nutters swung the whole length of this contraption at the same time....whilst laughing hysterically. I was sure they were going to fall.
The oldest member of the group being much more refined.
Apparently Lily thinks she is a bat.
Anlei, mid swing
Even the little ones got into the action
Lets make ourselves sick and Mummy dizzy!

Trevi, just hanging out
Ditto Rosie

I probably wouldn't even be blogging now but my (piece of $%@#) dryer died so I can't do any laundry and am bored. Don't ever buy B0sch appliances. They are fantastic in Europe, I grew up with them but according the repairman, whom I have seen alot in 4 years, once they do the electrical conversion on them to make them work over here they are terrible. Wish I knew that before I sank a boat load of money into them. Oh well, not much I can do about it now. Ho hum.

(so, my dearest cousin stephen, this is why the blog has been ignored. My most humble apologies and thanks for reminding me. xoxoxo And more thanks for actually reading it! love ya.)


Life frome where we are said...

Please come to my house...I need someone to shred my paperwork!

Tammie said...

Wow! You're the first person I know of to have problems with the Bosch appliances! Everyone I know that has them, absolutely loves them. Of course, I went through Dryer Hell last year. I ended up with the Whirlpool Cabrio set & adore them.

Maci Miller said...

Good for you with an organized start to the new year!
Bet the sleepover with the girls was lots of fun!!!


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