Someone once told me that whatever you do, feel, have, on New Years Eve will follow you into the upcoming year. You have no idea the lengths I go to not to get a migraine on New Years Eve. I have to have a clean and orderly home, have to feel good about myself, have this ridiculous urge to dress really nicely, wear my favourite things etc.etc. From the second the girls open their eyes I instruct them to be nice, kind, friendly, polite and happy and not to bicker! If anything breaks today or goes wrong I hit the freak out button instantly. Insane......I wish I could remember who it was that filled my head with this nonsense because I would return the favour.
Today Lily had a pedi appointment. If she makes Principals Honour Roll Jacob rewards her with something of her choice. (within reason) This time around she chose a pedicure and wanted it today. I made the appointment for first thing and afterwards she wanted to walk around the mall. She purchased Rosie a gift with her own money and generally was on a cloud. She didn't want to go home so we went to Starb*cks for hot chocolate and a sweet treat for them. It was a really lovely morning thus next year should be a lovely one. Let's hope so.
We came home for lunch and then I suggested that they both take a nap as they are going to bed very late tonight. They are still napping 2 hours later.
Tonight we will bring in the New Year at home, together. Once the ball drops we will all eat 12 grapes, throw a bucket of water out the front door, throw something into the garden that is broken and put an envelope of money under the doormat. All these things bring good luck in some shape or form into your life, or so I am told, for the upcoming year. Each year the list gets a bit longer cos I am darned sure I am not about to get jinxed on the first day of a new year that looks as if it could be my best one yet by not doing something on this silly, silly list!
Happy New Year.
May 2011 bring you all that you dream of and a happy, healthy and carefree life.
The teenage years will be very high maintenance.
Since the girls are still sleeping I had better make sure I have NOTHING at all on my to do list cos I don't fancy starting a new year with a list of things I need to get done.
Well crap. I didn't know you were supposed to do anything like that to ensure a good new year. I would have done them ALL! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
It's your english heritage making you think that way....I should know cus I'm the same way! One of my fondest memories of of my grandfather is how on the first night of a new moon, he would go outside, take all the coins out of his pocket, spit on them (yuck), then turn them over! BTW the reason for going luck to look at a new moon through glass!! Add that to your list!
PS. Love the orange tootsies!
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