12 Sept 2010

Thank Heaven For Little Girls

This has been a really bad week. If it could hit the fan it did and the stress level has been high. To top it off I can no longer utter the words, I have never had a car accident because on Thursday that clean slate of nearly 30 years was taken away from me. I am fine and so, thankfully, is Lily. Car seats and boosters seats.......this will be my soapbox for many years so don't get me started.

I am really thankful to have these two little nutters to make me laugh constantly with their silliness. They keep things real and remind me of what matters most in this world.

The latest in Wii fashion. A gift from a client/friend. The girls refuse to take them off. Aren't they lovely?
Why yes we do play Wii in our undies don't you?

Just getting ready for bed can prove to be a challenge in this house and one that ends up making me laugh until my sides hurt.
Oh, this is possibly the first glimpse of Lily's newly decorated room that I promised photos months ago.


Maci Miller said...

I can feel their silliness jumping off the screen! They are just adorable and thank God for awesome silly girlie-ness when the going gets tough! Here's to a better week!

Vivian M said...

So glad you are all OK! And I think they are spiffy dressers. Especially for the tropical climate!


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