26 Jan 2010

Families ARE Forever.

Shortly after Rosie started to talk she would say the same thing to us when one of us left the house and she was staying behind. She never faltered and she was very serious, she would say, and still does, "you come back see me again?" We would and do always tell her that we will come back. We tell her we love her and that we are a family and that families are forever or words similar to those. It wasn't long before she added this phrase to her list, "don't leave me". This one was harder to hear as her face when she says it is quite frankly filled with anguish and worry. Again we tell her we will never leave her.

This is all part of Rosie, part of what makes her, her. It is something that she has to work through, with our help of course and something that hopefully one day will fade into the recesses of her memory bank and stay there and not resurface every single time she goes to bed or someone leaves the house or a myriad of other daily events occur to rock her foundation.

I know I have mentioned her abandonment issues before here but they just don't disappear they linger and when you least expect them they resurface or as is the case with Rosie they never get laid to rest even for a day. It must be so exhausting spending your life worrying about whether your parents are coming back. I remember as a child being taught by nuns at a convent and at 6pm the grandfather clock would strike and if the doorbell didn't ring at the exact same time I was panic stricken. I was petrified that my father was not going to come and get me and that I would have to stay there in the convent with Sister Vincent. I knew he would come but each second there was torture for me, I truly hated it and the nuns. They spanked my fingers with a ruler if I fidgeted. As much as I knew I would go home to my parents I was petrified of that place, my fear was associated to a place not my parents ever leaving me. (BTW we aren't even Catholic so this was really over the top!)

We now know that Lily plays a pivotal role in how Rosie is doing. Lily is her rock. When she is around all is well in Rosie's world. They don't stick to each other like glue when they are home and sometimes they fight like cats and dogs and even want to do things separately but when Lily has been around all day for a few days and she then returns to school it upsets Rosie.

Tonight all was well. We have spent a great day together. Rosie had a pajama party at school and once Lily came home and homework was done all sorts of fun was unleashed. That is our usual routine. Routine is also key with Rosie, she needs to know what is going to happen next. After dinner I mentioned that it was time to go and get in the bath and get ready for bed. Rosie stopped dead in her tracks looked up at me with big sad eyes and said, "don't leave me when I am sleeping". I picked her up and looked in her eyes and told her I would never do that. I told her I will never leave her. I might take her to school like I do Lily but I would go and get her just like Lily. What she said next literally left me shaking, she said, "you left me in China". I told her from the very second she was handed to Daddy Lily and I we have never left her but she insisted that she was left in China!

This is not something that she knows about. China is still just a word to her and it holds no meaning or so I thought. I asked her who left her but she just buried her head in my chest and didn't answer. I didn't push it but I really wanted to. The questions were lining up in my head as fast as machine gun fire. We sat on the floor with me explaining how we will never leave her when she is sleeping and then just as fast as the moment came it was gone but for me this is a scar, a scar that comes from Rosie being hurt. Somehow, somewhere she does remember something....but what? Hopefully now the words will come and she can say what it is that scared her so very badly

Yes I am fully aware that there are many parents of biological children whose children don't want to be left alone or left at school, I know this happens. It happens frequently but there is a difference between separation anxiety, (which to a point is healthy and normal ) and abandonment issues.

We carried Rosie almost everywhere we went for nearly a year. We used carriers or our arms because the stroller was just to much distance for her in a strange place and caused her to much distress. One time I used a stroller under duress and remember looking down and seeing that she had pulled her blanket over her face. She couldn't handle it so she hid.

Yes, it is easy to read into normal behaviour and sometimes misconstrue it as adoption "stuff" but that is where being informed and educating yourself comes into play. Alot of what I see from her is typical 2/3 yr old behaviour and I am not about to put up with a temper tantrum over not getting your own way but it is the other stuff that we as her family see that you don't see that makes us realise that she, our little peanut, has a hurt in her heart and it is still being fixed.

Tomorrow is another day and we will approach it with our shoulders back and our fighting stance at the ready.


Life with JJ, Starr and Spice said...

I can so relate to this post. Katie still fights her fears of losing us...yes, it is a daily job that we will continue to take on for as long as it takes. Kudos to you both for doing the same. xxoo

Love Letters To China said...

Oh Dawn... my heart just breaks for Rosie. She is so fortunate to have such loving parents that will guide her through these rough times. I wish you strength in finding the right words to ease her mind.


Vivian M said...

At 5 years old, Kerri still struggles with her "abandonment issues" and fears. I wish I could tell you it will go away in a week or a month, but I would be lying. I hope Rosie has an easier time of it than Kerri has had. Just keep reassuring her every single day, and repeating the same mantra so it sinks in. It will get better. Maybe not go away entirely, but it will get better. If you ever want to talk let me know and I will call you!

Maci Miller said...

Oh, how your heart must break for Rosie! You are an incredible mother, though, and are handling it all so well. It's so hard to know what our little ones think of and remember. Ruby is showing no signs so far, but I know she must think of it at times. I wonder about it all the time.

Liene said...

We have only ever left Emi with my parents (not very often) and it's almost always been after we've put her down for bed and know she's asleep. She's been home nearly 7 months but still has major attachment/separation issues. She clings to Lane like saran wrap on a plate. But she also had him for 2 whole weeks and came to trust him. She loves me very much but there are days it hurts that what I know she needs and wants, she won't allow me to give her.

She was OK for awhile and in the past few months has begun to scream and cry when you put her down for bed and walk out of the room. It usually takes 2 or more trips to lay her back down and reassure her you haven't completely disappeared.

Tammie said...

I keep praying that someday soon Erin will know that we're not leaving her anywhere. Erin & Rosie seem to be walking in each other's steps.

Polar Bear said...

I am so sorry Rosie has such a rough time. I can't imagine the fear in her little heart.

Thank you for this post. I have been having a really hard time the last couple of weeks with all of the adoption/attachment/biological vs.adopted parent labels discussions that have been going around the web. I know I need to be informed, but lately it has scared me and I just want to hide. I want to enjoy being a first time mom and not worry about all of the other stuff.

Your post has brought me back. Thank you! I again see the need to keep reading and learning. Even though it is really hard I need to do this for the benefit of our baby.

I had lost your blog. I saw your comment over on Kris's post and came over to say 'Hi' and razz you about not posting after posting every day in November. I've missed you. Ha! Jokes on me!! I'm going to dry these tears and then catch up with all your posts I've missed. First though I'm going to get your new blog in my google reader!!

Thank you again. You don't know how this helped me today.

Briana's Mom said...

This is a great post. Sounds like you are doing all the right things for your sweet Rosie. Reassure, reassure, reassure. That is all you can do.

t~ said...

This post made my heart ache for Rosie, a little girl with a hurt heart....so much like my Eme.
Thank you for putting this out there, a story that we can all learn from. Much love.


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