17 Nov 2009

Alphabet Soup

One morning a week Rosie attends the Mary and David Alper J.C.C for a fun morning of Alphabet Soup. The kiddie program there has won so many awards and Frankie is truly incredible. We knew when we sent Lily there a few years back that her baby sister would be going too. We also knew when we sent Lily there that Frankie was raising the bar for all the teachers that followed her as she is truly that good.

Just as her sister did before her, Rosie adores her morning at school and loves Ms. Frankie. On Tuesdays Rosie will say to Lily that she cannot take her to school because she has to get ready for school herself, it is the cutest thing. The school year started off with the letter "A" and now we are already at "J". Today one of the projects was Jackson Pollack so everybody got to paint just like Jackson Pollack. Frankie took all the kids outside and told them to strip down if they wanted to cos this was going to get messy and put on their painting smocks and have some fun. They did! Rosie seemed a little bit surprised that they were outside and also that they were meant to throw paint but she got into it and had a blast. Jacob and I are not usually at her school together, I just happened to finish work and was able to get to school in time to see this. Frankie isn't very good at keeping time so usually Rosie's class runs over by an hour or an hour and a half!


Masterpiece in the making.

Needed a splash guard.

Mummy, I'm virtually naked and it's chilly!

After what I considered to be a monumental clean up she was ready for a snack which was a bread roll that she made earlier in the morning rolled into the letter "J". She kneaded and rolled the dough and then Frankie baked it and served it with butter and jam.

(it is a good thing I made it to school today because my other option for a blog post today was, "I got Nuthin'". I can't believe for a couple of years I blogged daily, what on earth did I say? This is hard and it is a good thing the month is nearly up.)


Love Letters To China said...

It looks like Rosie had a blast today at school. I think it's wonderful she gets to have time to socialize with children her own age. That's why I send Liam to school. I'm home but he never had the interaction like he does now. I can already see such a difference in his vocabulary from going for 3 months.

Vivian M said...

What fun! I loved the paintings :o)

Tammie said...

What a wonderful art lesson! Apparently you have a Picasso on your hands. Jacob did a marvelous job with his paint throwing. :-)

I must admit that living where we do, makes these kind of outdoor classes so easy to have.

And the JCC you go to? I used to run a youth group there!


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