18 Nov 2009

It Is All But A Dream.

Since I pledged to blog daily for a month and I am pulling my hair out trying to do this and since this blog is my journal for the girls I am really stretching todays post.

Lily has been having some really strange dreams lately but they are very funny and I want to remember them so I am writing them here. (see this is where the stretch comes in)
About a week ago she woke up and told me about a dream she had had where she was driving (God help us all). She borrowed my car and went to school and at lunch time her and her friends went out for lunch. She said she wasn't very good at it ( am I surprised?) and kept bumping into things like cars and houses but her car just kept bouncing off of them and was fine. She couldn't stop giggling the whole time. (again, am I surprised?) After a little while of crashing she got so fed up because driving is much harder than it looks she just got out and left the car and then she woke up.

Dream Number 2.

This morning I was regaled with the tale of how we went to China and adopted another baby sister for her. This baby was only 3 days old and was bigger than Rosie. She was most indignant to find out we had named her baby sister Trouble and kept telling us that we couldn't name a child that as that was not a name. We wouldn't change it and Trouble was her name. The baby got bigger and bigger and kept getting into trouble.

Perhaps tomorrow I will have something a little more blog worthy but don't hold your breathe, tonight is is Lily's riding lesson and frankly just how many riding videos do you want to see?


Vivian M said...

So skip a day, we won't tell!

By the way, love her dreams, I know a few people that drive that way in real life, lol.

Tammie said...

Basically, Lily dreamed of me driving. ;-O

Dream #2 is a bit of hint. Don't you think? Perhaps she is ready for another sibling. Of course, that doesn't mean her parents are ready.


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