19 Oct 2009

Kite Festival

As if going to the Bumbing Patch, that is what Rose calls the pumpkin Patch, wasn't enough for one day we also went to the Kite Festival at Haulover Beach. The weather could not have been better for spending a day outside so we spent as much time outdoors as we could. Rosie had never even seen a kite as far as we knew but she soon caught on to it and her Daddy ran to the vendor and bought her one within minutes of us getting there.

She also mastered hands free kite flying, an invention all of her own doing! You see Rosie has this very peculiar habit of shoving things down her pants and carrying them around like that. She really likes the hands free way of life! After flying her kite in the conventional fashion for about 10 minutes she shoved the string down the trousers and stood hands free! We had a really great afternoon and early evening outside in the wonderful cool temperatures watching all the colourful kites. Both girls managed to get tangled up with other kites pretty badly but Jacob was able to free them and neither time were they to blame.

This is how Hands Free kite flying is done, should you ever have the urge!

My big girl flying her kite.

I have no idea if this is Rosie's kite or Lily's kite because they are nearly identical but it does belong to one of them.

I have no idea how much longer this burst of energy on the blog will last! I have posted a lot this week, No?

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