We took 2 cars and we followed Ed and as we were driving up Rosie asked me who was driving the car so I told her Uncle Ed and she said, Oh, Uncle Egg. Will this child never learn that it isn't a good idea to make me laugh that hard when I am behind the wheel. So now it is not only poor little Evan whose name is permanently butchered by my family members but Ed, whose name couldn't be any easier to say, is now known as Uncle Egg. He thought it was so funny that all day he kept asking Rosie what his name was and she would tell him, Egg.
We had such fun and it made the heat so much more bearable. I truly shouldn't be complaining about being hot cos Jenny wasn't and she is nine months pregnant. EGG ventured off with the bigger kidlets and I kept Rosie in the shallow waters and on the little slides. She loved it and became a huge fan of the lazy river. We spent lots of time floating around and around in tubes all holding hands getting squirted by the splashers and generally being lazy. Our fun came to a loud and abrupt end when the sirens went off warning us of lightening in the area so we all ran for cover, grabbed our stuff, headed for the cars. They clear the park in minutes once lightening is detected and Jenny and I were watching the storm approaching so I was already getting Rosie dried off because you are not given any time to get dressed they want you GONE! I quickly changed Lily and I changed in the car, not an easy feat anymore with a million people marching by. Once we were all dressed we went to an Italian Ice shop and all had a very refreshing Italian Ice before heading home.
I missed my exit on the way back cos I was in la la land as the girls were both asleep and I was driving along thinking about what a lovely day we had had when I suddenly realised, sh*t, that was my turn! Never mind I had always wondered where the other road headed and now I know. It heads right into a major traffic jam and you sit there for ages inching along like a snail. But we made it home, a lot later than we had if I had been paying closer attention and the girls got a good sleep out of the deal.
Little Fish
Having Fun. Ebby.
Jenny (and Danielle)
Rosie splashing me.
Lily and Ebby. Conspiring I am sure!
Jenny, Egg and I were talking today about how when we first met we were both trying so very hard to start families and both thought it would never happen and here we were today with our kidlets all playing together, well minus Danielle, she just came along for the ride but in just a couple more weeks she will be here with us. Life is good and is made better with good friends.
Yes Dawn, it was a more than fantastic day. We had a wonderful time. Best part, being with you all! It was just wonderful. Ed/egg and I were wondering why you didn't take the turnpike. We thought that's why you got ahead of us. Oh well. More time for the kidlets to sleep. Evan was out for 1.5 hrs. in the car. It took him 5 minutes to conk out. What fun~ let's do it again soon.
BTW, thanks for not including the belly shot... lol
What fun!! We have not taken Maddy to a water park yet but I'm certain she would love it since she loves the pool. I cannot imagine the heat down there.. UGH! I die of heat up here and I know we are no where NEAR your kind of heat..
That looks like a fun water park!
Poor Egg, he will forever be known by that name now!
Oh so wonderful! Such a nice post and nice day for you all! Uncle "Egg" is a pretty cute Rosie original! LOL.
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