Lily was up bright and early this morning, 5.45 to be exact but I managed to get her back to sleep for another hour, thank heavens. We left the house at 11.30 and arrived just before noon at the Equestrian Centre. We talked with her instructor and then had some lunch. Our main goal at this point was to stop Lily from jumping out of her own skin and also from getting dirty! We met with our friend Chicken Feet and walked around the stalls and finally Frenchie called us and told us it was time.
She was given a number for her jacket which I pinned on for her whilst she talked to her horse and then she mounted and rode into the waiting arena and they practiced for a few minutes. We all stood by the rails and when I heard the announcer welcome group 136 into the ring I think I stopped breathing. Lily and her lead entered first and a very proud Lily led the group. She did everything so well but lost her stirrup a couple of times. As the announcer asked them to do things she did everything and before I knew it she was finishing up. Her group was quite large and they gathered in front of the judges to hear their scores and in my head I was just begging for her to place as that is what she wanted more than anything. The judge started talking and then said that they were the most important group of the day and that they had all one first place. Very sweet.
I thought it was a kind gesture but I also knew that Lily would be ticked off. I couldn't see her face as they handed her her trophy because the sun was directly behind her but as soon as they left the arena and we made our way over to her. Jacob and I exchanged glances because we knew only too well how she would feel. Right or wrong, Lily is competitive and she had worked so hard for this and to be given a "freebie" wasn't going to go over well with her. When we got to her one of the judges was crowding her and a few other people were talking to her and she was smiling and chatting but we could tell. It was her fake smile. She posed for photos and we took some also. We congratulated her, chatted with the judge, her instructor and lead and each other. After what seemed like forever she was able to dismount. When she knew only I could hear she said, "we all got 1st place". I told her what the judge had said to us but it was going to pacify her as far as she was concerned it didn't matter, she got the same as everyone else and it wasn't a real competition. She wasn't being bratty but she was disappointed.
On the way home we talked and she said she loved being in the ring, she loved the show she just didn't love the way it was judged. I asked her if she wanted to quit ( what can I say, I am forever hopeful!) and she said, "of course not, I love riding". She said she wants to ride in a real show where she can ride alone and earn her own trophy by proving her skills herself. Damn, this kid is competitive.
I have always thought band kids were nerdy but I wonder if she would like to play in the band instead!
As for Miss Rosie Posie, she held her own. She ran about all over the place. She petted the horses and the second Lily entered the arena she fell fast asleep and woke up the second we reached the car!
All dressed up and waiting to go!

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The person behind the horse who you can barely see is her instructor, the girl in the front is her lead, Natalie. We only met her this morning and she was so lovely.

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Checking her stirrups and girth are correct

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Daddy took the day off for the big event. He wouldn't have missed it for anything

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Waiting her turn

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Still waiting

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Pep talk

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The moment she has been waiting for

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Riding over the sounding board. I loved this bit

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Waiting for the judges

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She just got her prize albeit a booby prize in her eyes

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The trophy (she is still very proud of it and gets that she earnt it)

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We are proud, even if she isn't!

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My favourite photo of the day. Lily thanking her horse for her performance.

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Lily and her Goo Goo, our Chicken Feet, who presented her with a single Rose at the end of her performance and took all the phtos of us together. We love her.

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