I had been been horizontal for about 8 minutes when I heard Lily heading downstairs. She seemed to have alot of pep in her step so I greeted her with what I hoped was enthusiasm and not grouchiasm and she was grinning from ear to ear. "Mummy, Mummy, look my tooth fell out. I was wiggling it and it just fell out."
Her little mouth was all covered in blood but but she was oblivious and I was not about to point it out. Lily is one brave soul but when it comes to blood she goes from calm to freakse-ville in seconds. We did the happy dance and called her daddy to tell him and then she wrote the tooth fairy a note begging her not to keep her tooth because she has a little silver box that her Nannis gave her to keep her first tooth in forever! Finally we climbed the stairs and placed her tooth, oh so carefully, under her pillow and she was ginning her gappy smile and saying that she had to fall asleep as fast as she could so that the tooth fairy could come. We chatted about what the tooth fairy looked like and a myriad of other things before she finally laid her little head down and I crawled back downstairs and hit the couch again. I realised that I had to muster up the energy once again to gather a few dollars, an envelope and a pen to write her a note and take care of business. Once that was done I followed her lead and went to bed. I too was asleep shortly after 10.pm. Unheard of! We we awoken this morning by shrieks of, " I've got money".
It truly is the sweetest thing. And yes I am back to my usual energy filled self. Not sure what happened yesterday but I hope it doesn't happen again any time soon.
Mummy look, my tooth fell out.

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Little itty bitty tooth

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The gap with the big tooth already in it's place

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Hooray, it's about time. Now she should be rich in no time if the rest of them follow this ones lead. I wonder if there is a record for the oldest baby tooth???
Love Andie
Uncle Alan could be a contender for the oldest baby tooth at 60 years of age and the dentist said it is still perfect - how about that!
love Nannis xxx
Yay Lili! Congrats to you on your lost tooth! And just how much did the tooth fairy have to pay for this lovely tooth?
She is growing up so fast!
Keep smilin!
Wow lost her 1st tooth already? How exciting!
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