The little guy in this video went to nursery school with Lily and the 2 of them were inseparable from the second they met. Even the staff used to say, God help anyone who comes between those 2. He is such a lovely little chap.
She can do it, why can't I??
These are the Chinese phonics sung in a little song. I know the alphabet in English doesn't that count for something?
don't worry about misprouncing something, it'll be okay, they will just think "oh she's an American" and will let it slide I am sure.
Besides, my sister and her family went to Sweden last summer, and Katy thought she was asking for Swedish meatballs, but come to find out she was asking for some testicles and nobody corrected her and she did get meatballs (or at least what she thought was meatballs, hehehe)
I thought teaching Enlish phonics was difficult. Whew! That looks REALLY hard.
Lily looks so cute. I am sure she will pick it up quickly.
It's going to be easier for her because a child's mind can absorb information faster than ours. Hang in there Mom! I think it's great that you are doing this.
That looks like such fun but, oh lordy, I need Mandarin for Dummies!
Give your self some kuddos just for trying. It's a very difficult language and at least you get some very cute footage of Lily.
Wow, that is pretty amazing! And looks quite difficult, too!!
Bravo to you for trying, Dawn! Don't worry, when Lily speaks it fluently -- I'm sure she'll be happy to give you some private lessons!
(She and her little buddy look so cute together!)
I think it's great...what a wonderful experience for Lily1
Keep at it and you will be speaking fluently!
Keep smilin!
I think it is great that you are both taking classes!!
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