I often see posts on blogs and Facebook about people staying in there pajamas all day, I have never done it. Well perhaps if I have been ill, but I can't think of a time, ever. I also know I would have to get up, shower, then put on clean P.J's cos that is just how I am. Today I got up at some early hour and started immediately to dismember the Christmas tree and any thing else Christmas. Enough is enough with all the extraneous stuff. By the time the girlies woke up I was in full swing so I only stopped briefly to make them breakfast and went back to work. I worked in the kitchen while they ate and then once they were done I went back to the living room and the tree.
At some point they went upstairs and got dressed, I however stayed in my jammies. I came to my senses around twelve thirty when I realised I was hungry and stopped and made lunch for us. I then declared it a pajama day and carried on. I'm not sure what made me check the calender but at precisely 1.05pm I looked at it and there in bold letters it said, Little Mermaid, 2pm. Oh Sh*t.
I spat the words, get changed, and look pretty at the girls whilst at the same time ditching my P.J.'s and diving headfirst into a shower. I took the fastest shower I have ever taken, decided today would be a good day to see if I have fallen in love with my natural waves and turned my head upside down and dried my hair like that which is unheard of. I painstakingly blow my hair straight every single day, layer, by layer. I still hate my wavy hair, BTW. I then threw on some clothes, grabbed both the kids, the tickets and car keys and we were gone. We made it with 5 minutes to spare.
Miami Childrens Theatre really is a top notch organisation and every performance we have ever seen by them has been first rate, this was no exception. My friends daughter is always one of the leading roles but this time she opted to take a behind the scenes role to gain that experience but we were able to see her and meet the other characters/actors. Considering we have just seen the Rockettes I expected to be bored, very bored, but I was very wrong. It was fabulous.
Arielle and her human treasures |
the mermaid sisters |
Ursula, OMG she was played by a guy and he was incredible. |
A very blurred shot of the girls with the cast. The guy in the red suit was Sebastian and he was absolutely fabulous. He is so talented. |
Once we got home I realised I had just abandoned the house and it looked like a bomb went off. I'm just about finished now.
I will never again as long as I live declare a day, pajama day. Those days and I do not mix.