20 Nov 2012

The gang's all here

Swimming just hasn't been the same since September when Isabelle left and went to college. We are missing a sista and that's not a good feeling. At 2pm we all received the same text from her, Boarding plane now, will be home soon. See you at swimming.

Oh we laughed so much, snickered so much, gossiped so much and had a great time. I think I looked at the pool twice, twice, to check my children weren't belly up. ( have no fear there are 5 coaches and a pile of lifeguards) The sista's we all back together. Even the girls were excited to see her again. She's Isabelle, everyone is happy to see her.

I took a photo but we were laughing and I moved so it's blurred.
Isabelle, Jodi and Djanene
i couldn't survive all these hours at the pool without these ladies. We have the best times together.

 Oh, I did manage to catch Rosie ready for a dive.
She looks frozen
taking her position.
It's not all bad this swimming lark, don't let me fool you.

1 comment:

likeschocolate said...

Yeah! Personally , I think it is too cold to swim, but it hasn't stopped my kids!


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