22 Nov 2012

Thanks Given

I make a point of being thankful for what I have, everyday. I am trying to teach this to my girls. Today we took the time to count our blessings as this day is designated for such but honestly it makes me bat sh*t crazy that we have to have a day just to stop and count our blessings. Be thankful everyday....please.

Lily wrote her thanks down and read them at the table:

Dear Family.

On this Thanksgiving day I want to thank each one of you.

Rosie, I am sorry when I get mad at you when you are sincerely trying to help. I thank you for your help.

Dad, I thank you for always trying to keep cool while Rosie and I are really annoying.

And last but not least, Mom, I appreciate when you always do little things like laundry, making our meals, cleaning the house, etc. I would never have been able to do it myself.

With a thankful heart,

Some of our dinner guests.


likeschocolate said...

That is just too sweet!

Life frome where we are said...

Doesn't that melt your heart?

Vivian M said...

Just love that girl of yours! Well actually, both of them. And you! :o)


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