5 Aug 2012

Horses and friends

Since I knew Kelly would be at the party yesterday I took our bathing suits with us figuring we would probably end up swimming....somewhere. I had no idea that we would end up at her sister-in-law's stables but it was so much more fun than swimming and if you don't believe me, ask the kids.

I haven't seen much of Kelly this summer which is a shame but Lily is a lot like me and sadly her and Kellys' daughter are no longer clicking and if Lily doesn't click she doesn't want to play, so to speak. I have given her no choice on a few occasions and explained that anything less than polite, kind behaviour will not be acceptable but I can't make the kid spend her whole summer with a child she doesn't enjoy being around. I'm not sure what happened because a year ago they clicked, not the best of friends but Lily would play with her and Julia is a lovely little girl. Just putting it down to different personalities.

Yesterday afternoon they got on fine. They both worked and I think that helped. They washed horses, mucked barns, cough cough, fed horses, did other things to horses and generally had a fabulous time. Sadly they weren't able to ride as we had had a storm the day before that rivalled few that went before it and everywhere was flooded but that didn't stop them having a blast.

When Kelly gave me the address of the farm I knew it was pretty far south but I had no idea how far south until we set out. It was way way down in the really rural part of Miami. As we approached the place Lily said, "wow Mummy this is like the country it's cool here". Yes it is Lilipop, yes it is. We even spotted an old style country store with an old fashioned gas pump and the girls squealed with delight as we passed a field of Texas Longhorns and if truth be told, I did too. I should have pulled over to take a photo but the GPS was hollering directions and I didn't want to miss my turn.

As soon as we arrived the lady who owns the stables was going to feed her homing/racing pigeons and asked the kids if they wanted to go along. Silly question. Just as we were about to follow Kelly said, "I forgot to tell you there are 2 dogs here". I nearly grabbed both girls and ran for the car but then I spotted one, a black lab so I quickly stuttered and stammered, what is the other one? and she said, "a yellow lab" so I breathed a huge sigh of relief and followed along with the black lab close behind. Rosie and Hannah the dog became best friends and went to see the pigeons. Hannah, Rosie and I decided Pigeons were for the birds (damn I am funny) so we stayed outside but everyone else went inside with them.....eewwww.

Inside the pigeon coop
Lily hand feeding a a racing pigeon
Rosie touching one that Chris bought out for her .
Ro and Hannah. Hannah has part of a fence post in her mouth. all day it was either this or an avocado, always something.
From there we went to visit the horses and the kiddies all went their separate ways feeding, washing and exercising them. The youngest two Jacob and Rosie didn't want to much to do with them. Rosie was happy playing with Hannah and Jacob was happy climbing trees. He then taught Rosie how to climb trees so they picked avocados together.
This girl needs a dog but this Mama doesn't.
Really friendly Mama with her foal.
Moonshine going absolutely full gallup because Gabby had just bought out a mare. It was so beautiful to watch him run.
LIly: Roxie you are so tiny I can sleep on you.
thank you  for my bath now I will roll in the wet sand
Poor little pony got the longest bath in the world
Hey Grandpa, look at the size of this wheel barrow!
Jacob made a swing but Rosie wouldn't touch it because it was "eewwy"
jacob and Rosie pick avocados
By the time we left, after what was meant to be a brief visit, they were filthy, tired and starving. I stopped on the way home and picked up Chinese food and I have never seen either of my girls eat so much food so quickly. The fact that I made them get clean, and I mean really clean, before I let them near the food, made them really cross because they were starving. It was really a fabutastic day and we will be hard pushed to have another as great here in Miami any time soon.


Vivian M said...

What an awesome day!

Life frome where we are said...

Rosie looks so cute with that dog....come on Momma please!


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